[ENG] Some of us here have Martinez boards that just died on us! please help

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Neuer Benutzer
So first of. I know this is a German forum and I would love to be able to speak german. Google translate is just not as good as I hoped it could be.

If you guys could reply in English I am very thankful if not its ok i will try to use google translate.

So to the porblem.

I have gotten two PM from other users on this forum who say they have same issue as me so I know I am not alone.

Here is my setup
Martinez board 1:
The light is blue in the middle of the board!
I have it connected to two brushless motors that came with a gimbal i bought. cables are about 10CM long and seem good quality
The MPU ( acelerometer ) I have soldered with a 10CM long flat cable i took of a Harddrive IDE cable. you can see in my video and photos
I connect this board to USB on my iMac or Macbook Air. I have Arduino installed on both and have tried many FTDI drivers (still woudl lieka link to the one people say is correct THE REAL LINK :) )
I have windows also installed on my iMac so i have tried on that too.

My Martinez board2:
Just as the above only the light in the middle is RED and when I try to flash it

The boards

The videos

My doubts are could my cables to the IMU be wrong and did something. could the 3s battery connected directly have done some harm? is there a way to save my boards or are they LOST?


Erfahrener Benutzer
i think your first board is fine. I just tried out my v1 martinez board for the first time and also got the "TC Reading values" forever. After some unplugging and replugging it worked for me. Your second board has a more serious problem i think.


Erfahrener Benutzer
On the first board are you sure the programmer is correctly?, because most of us have USBtinyisp model.
Then you choose the wrong board... It looks correctly because it uploads, but the better choise is UNO. When you choose "view extensive output during upload" in preferences you see it uploads more...
After that there is this alternative GUI (from me) you can try:



Neuer Benutzer
No Luck! tried it all! funny thing is one of the boards if I only connect to 3S battery ( NO USB ) then the lights next to the usb socket blinks like crazy


Erfahrener Benutzer
Okee , my last long shot...i noticed your driver speed is working on 9600 baud while it should work on 115200 baud.
Then i believe there are FTDI pins on the board. You could try to connect them to the computer via a ftdi-usb converter.
Last but not least send them back to their maker...( Goodluckbuy?)...



Neuer Benutzer
Ok so now i have done the following and still no luck
1. Tried on a newly formated windows xp machine NO LUCK
2. Uninstalled drivers using the uninstall driver tool ( thank you oldy-flyers ) re install the 24 version ones before 2012
3. tried with SimplBGC all hexas using the xloader and it says can not connect to board
4. Did this with MPU connected and without. tried switching MPU with another one and no luck!

So my biggets question is HOW did this happen and all i can think of is my 3S battery could that have fried it?


Erfahrener Benutzer
I did not read, u use al my exact recommendations on windows?
1. use UNO board.
2. use USBtinyisp.
3. use 115200 Baud.
4. Try both B-Tool and B-Gimbal.

Please don't use SimpleBGC because the software won't work on "Martinez" board unless u use cracked version...

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