Martinez board german version v3.0

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Neuer Benutzer
Hello , good morning , I just purchased a Martinez Gimbal board , German Version , V3.0 ( marked " IFLIGHT " on the back of the board ) . The board as " standalone " just " out of the box " works with two 4006 motors . But I want to adjust it via GUI and there begins the problem .. I have installed the FTDI/USB Whql driver ( 02.28.30 version ) on my Windows XP Computer , its OK . But I have tried several GUI's .. BruGi_049B_r69 , BruGi 049B R161 , they Connect on the Com port , but when I click on " Start " , no trace appears in the black window .. Also , I have tried some PID adjustements , reverse motors , and so on , when I click on " save " the GUI tells me it saves to the board , and the small red Led near the USB port on the board blinks for one or two seconds .. so I might think something has been loaded .. but no luck .. it changes nothing .. I also have tried the Arduino software loading , it seems to work .. but it changes nothing .. So , I do not understand , it seems there is no real communication between the GUI and the board , or perhaps is it the GUI that does not work .. not easy to solve ... the chip is an Atmega 328P / AU1306 , the Usb chip is an FTDI FT232RL . there was no notice nor manual in the box ..
So , anyone of you , do you have the explanation and a solution for that kind of trouble ?
Thanks for your reply , with my Best Regards .

Hey Mike,

do you have any picture of your installed Gimbal?
Do you have it already installed or just connected on your workbench?
Which IMU do you use? Have you checked the sketch for changing High/LOW setting for the IMU?
( #definde MPU6050_DEFAULT_ ADDRESS MPU6050_ADDRESS_AD0_HIGH).After changing to LOW do you have a trace?
Gyro Update and ACC Update above the Trace window ticked on?

What is the GUI responding if you save your PIDs to the flash, change PIDs and than read it back from the flash?

What problem you have exactly? Short Video would be helpful.
Is nothing working? Gimbal wild shanking?


PS: Are you shure you have the correct Firmware on the board? Some chinese Boards have a NULLED alexMos installed ;-) Did you crosschecked with GUI from AlexMos?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Neuer Benutzer
Hi Mike, I have an E-file of the Manual from the shopper. This manual is very comprehensive. here is the link: Hope it's helpful.
Hello , good morning , I just purchased a Martinez Gimbal board , German Version , V3.0 ( marked " IFLIGHT " on the back of the board ) . The board as " standalone " just " out of the box " works with two 4006 motors . But I want to adjust it via GUI and there begins the problem .. I have installed the FTDI/USB Whql driver ( 02.28.30 version ) on my Windows XP Computer , its OK . But I have tried several GUI's .. BruGi_049B_r69 , BruGi 049B R161 , they Connect on the Com port , but when I click on " Start " , no trace appears in the black window .. Also , I have tried some PID adjustements , reverse motors , and so on , when I click on " save " the GUI tells me it saves to the board , and the small red Led near the USB port on the board blinks for one or two seconds .. so I might think something has been loaded .. but no luck .. it changes nothing .. I also have tried the Arduino software loading , it seems to work .. but it changes nothing .. So , I do not understand , it seems there is no real communication between the GUI and the board , or perhaps is it the GUI that does not work .. not easy to solve ... the chip is an Atmega 328P / AU1306 , the Usb chip is an FTDI FT232RL . there was no notice nor manual in the box ..
So , anyone of you , do you have the explanation and a solution for that kind of trouble ?
Thanks for your reply , with my Best Regards .



Neuer Benutzer
Martinez board german version v3.0

Hey Mike,

do you have any picture of your installed Gimbal?
Do you have it already installed or just connected on your workbench?
Which IMU do you use? Have you checked the sketch for changing High/LOW setting for the IMU?
( #definde MPU6050_DEFAULT_ ADDRESS MPU6050_ADDRESS_AD0_HIGH).After changing to LOW do you have a trace?
Gyro Update and ACC Update above the Trace window ticked on?

What is the GUI responding if you save your PIDs to the flash, change PIDs and than read it back from the flash?

What problem you have exactly? Short Video would be helpful.
Is nothing working? Gimbal wild shanking?


PS: Are you shure you have the correct Firmware on the board? Some chinese Boards have a NULLED alexMos installed ;-) Did you crosschecked with GUI from AlexMos?
Hey Dirk , Critical Limit , thanks for your reply . Finally , after two days of searching what was the firmware and what was happening , I found where the problem was coming from : From the FTDI / USB Driver ... The most recent one 02.08.30 only worked partially , in one direction I suppose .. I have installed a previous driver , version 02.08.24 .... on Windows XP , and IT WORKS ... the GUI " sees " the board , the traces appear , and everything seems OK .. even with a mismatch between firmware and GUI , it works ..
For now , I have not yet built a gimbal , I just test " on the bench " with two GB4006 motors . I have tried the latest firmware version , 49b161 , and it seems the IMU6050 Gyro board responds very violently , in the graph I see Vertical Lines .. so very very ( too much ) sensitive , and with the motors , it does not work correctly at all .. so I came back to version 49b77 , and it works " normally " . It looks like the motors do not have much torque .. The two motors only draw 200 ma under 15 volts .. the coils resistance is about 20 ohms , so the L6234D chips drop the voltage .. maybe it's possible to fix or adjust that ? Also , I " feel " the motors poles when they are working , so I'll have to try in real conditions , with a gimbal and a camera , to check whether it's OK or not with some weight and inertia ..
I first want to build one gimbal for a 800 grams camera ( a Blackmagic pocket cinema camera with lens ) , with aluminum or carbon .. and try it , designed for a Handheld use or mounted on a car ..
After having got some learning and the necessary experience , I want to build a more powerful gimbal , with GBM8017-120 motors , for heavier cameras ..
As I also want a YAW axis control , I am not sure the 6050 IMU is going to do the job , so I need some time to experiment .. maybe try with another kind of sensor .. it's sure possible to modify the firmware's source code , so some work to expect ..
Well , thanks Dirk for your reply , if I get some success and interesting modifications , I'll let you know .
Have a nice day , with my best regards .



Neuer Benutzer
Hi Mike, I have an E-file of the Manual from the shopper. This manual is very comprehensive. here is the link: Hope it's helpful.
Hello Robert , thanks for your reply and your manual , everything necessary is explained . After two days of work , I finally have found the problem .. it was coming from the FTDI / Usb Driver , the last version ( 02.08.30 ) worked only partially ( monodirectional I think ) , I have installed a previous version ( 02.08.24 ) and it works now ...

The latest version of the firmware ( 049br161 ) does not work correctly , it seems the sensor is much too much sensitive , I get vertical bars in the graph .. and so the motors do not work as they should .. So I have installed a previous version ( 049br77 ) and it works normally . It seems the motors ( GB4006 ) do not have much torque , the two motors draw 200 ma with 15 volts . As I have measured a 20 ohms resistance on the coils , it seems the L6234D chips drop the voltage , I have to try the PWM adjustment , perhaps also a hardware design problem .
When I touch the motors , I feel the poles .. so I wonder whether it's going to be ok with a camera .. maybe with some weight and inertia it's going to work .
With a second board , I'd like to test a YAW control .. but I am not sure the 6050 sensor is ok for that , I have to try , maybe use another kind of sensor .
I now have to design and build the mechanics .. for a 800 grams camera with lens .. for handheld use or mounted on a car . If the results are good , I'll build a more powerful version with GBM8017-120 motors ..
Thanks Robert for your reply and the manual . I'll let you know the results I get ..
Have a nice day , with my best regards .

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