Hallo zusammen,
möchte auch mal so langsam anfangen eine 9x DIY aufbauen,
Ein altes 9x Board habe ich noch über und ein Crius CO-16 LCD, welches ja laut thread funktionieren soll.
Allerdings weiss ich nicht so recht was ich mit den 3 zusätzlichen Pins anfangen soll.
Hier der Thread:
To customize er9x for your own display module, you need to set proper cpp variables in 'lcd.h' and 'lcd.cpp'.
Set LCD_OTHER to 1 @lcd.h
If you're using OLED module with SSD1306 controller, set SSD1306 to 1 @lcd.h
If your module uses 4W serial interface, set SERIAL_LCD to 1 @lcd.cpp.
You need to connect SCLK(clock) and SI(data) pins of serial LCD module to
Atmega's PC4 (OUT_C_LCD_RnW) and PC5(OUT_C_LCD_E), respectively.
If you want to rotate the screen 180 degree, set ROTATE_SCREEN to 1 @lcd.cpp.
If you want to reverse the video, set REVERSE_VIDEO to 1 @lcd.cpp.
I tested 3.3V OLED with serial/parallel modes and Zolen's 5V parallel/serial LCDs on 9XR board having 3.3V LCD interface.
Everything worked except Zolen's serial LCD module on 9XR board - but it worked with my 5V Atmega board.
The OLED module I'm using is from eBay
Since it's sold out, you may contact the seller if you're interested in.
Actually, I got ready-to-use PCBs from the seller at $2.50/each+$1 S/H and
purchased 1.3" OLED modules from EastRising sometime ago.
Other OLED modules with SSD1306 controller should work as well.
CRIUS OLED module should also work if you properly modify it to 4W serial mode and set SSD1306=1, SERIAL_LCD=1.
To convert I2C to 4W serial, you need to add 3 more pins (/CS, /RES, /A0) and set 3 mode bits (BS0,BS1,BS2) all zero.
I ordered one but I haven't received it yet and I'll modify/test it once I get it.
Wo muss ich die drei Strippen am LCD anlöten und wo kommen alle 7 drauf? Was ist gemeint mit den Bits auf 0 setzen?