Nanowii mit OLED i2c Fehler


Erfahrener Benutzer
Hallo habe an meinem Nanowii das Oled i2c Display angeschlossen bekomme auch ein Bild, leider aber auch i2c Fehler permanent kann mal jemand schauen ob der Sketch Falsch ist:


/*********************** LCD/OLED - display settings *********************/

/* */

/***************************** The type of LCD **********************************/
/* choice of LCD attached for configuration and telemetry, see notes below */
//#define LCD_DUMMY // No Physical LCD attached. With this & LCD_CONF defined, TX sticks still work to set gains, by watching LED blink.
//#define LCD_SERIAL3W // Alex' initial variant with 3 wires, using rx-pin for transmission @9600 baud fixed
//#define LCD_TEXTSTAR // SERIAL LCD: Cat's Whisker LCD_TEXTSTAR Module CW-LCD-02 (Which has 4 input keys for selecting menus)
//#define LCD_VT100 // SERIAL LCD: vt100 compatible terminal emulation (blueterm, putty, etc.)
//#define LCD_TTY // SERIAL LCD: useful to tweak parameters over cable with arduino IDE 'serial monitor'
//#define LCD_ETPP // I2C LCD: Eagle Tree Power Panel LCD, which is i2c (not serial)
//#define LCD_LCD03 // I2C LCD: LCD03, which is i2c
#define OLED_I2C_128x64 // I2C LCD: OLED

/****************************** Display settings ***********************************/
#define LCD_SERIAL_PORT 0 // must be 0 on Pro Mini and single serial boards; Set to your choice on any Mega based board

//#define SUPPRESS_OLED_I2C_128x64LOGO // suppress display of OLED logo to save memory

/* double font height for better readability. Reduces visible #lines by half.
* The lower part of each page is accessible under the name of shifted keyboard letter :
* 1 - ! , 2 - @ , 3 - # , 4 - $ , 5 - % , 6 - ^ , 7 - & , 8 - * , 9 - (
* You must add both to your lcd.telemetry.* sequences
//#define DISPLAY_FONT_DSIZE //currently only aplicable for OLED_I2C_128x64

/* style of display - AUTODETECTED via LCD_ setting - only activate to override defaults */
//#define DISPLAY_2LINES
//#define MULTILINE_PRE 2 // multiline configMenu # pref lines
//#define MULTILINE_POST 6 // multiline configMenu # post lines
/******************************** Navigation ***********************************/
/* keys to navigate the LCD menu */
#define LCD_MENU_PREV 'p'
#define LCD_MENU_NEXT 'n'
#define LCD_VALUE_UP 'u'
#define LCD_VALUE_DOWN 'd'

#define LCD_MENU_SAVE_EXIT 's'
#define LCD_MENU_ABORT 'x'

/*********************** LCD configuration menu **************************/

/* uncomment this line if you plan to use a LCD or OLED for tweaking parameters
* */
#define LCD_CONF

/* to include setting the aux switches for AUX1 -> AUX4 via LCD */
//#define LCD_CONF_AUX

/* optional exclude some functionality - uncomment to suppress some unwanted telemetry pages */

/*********************** LCD telemetry **************************/

/* to monitor system values (battery level, loop time etc. with LCD
* */

/******************************** Activation ***********************************/

/* to enable automatic hopping between a choice of telemetry pages uncomment this. */
//#define LCD_TELEMETRY_AUTO "123452679" // pages 1 to 9 in ascending order
//#define LCD_TELEMETRY_AUTO "212232425262729" // strong emphasis on page 2

/* manual stepping sequence; first page of the sequence gets loaded at startup to allow non-interactive display */
//#define LCD_TELEMETRY_STEP "0123456789" // should contain a 0 to allow switching off.

/* optional exclude some functionality - uncomment to suppress some unwanted telemetry pages */

Danke im vorraus.


Erfahrener Benutzer
Genau ist am i2c Port habe auch das Startbild mit Multiwii 2.1 QuadX, aber halt i2c Fehler ohne Ende und das Board zeigt in der GUI auch nur Mist an.

Keine Ahnung woran das liegt habe auch schon die anderen Einstelungen mal getestet incl. jedes mal eeprom löschen.



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