Djalma C fragte mich auf vimeo nach meinen Änderungen am MinimOSD Code für die Anzeige des air speed und der Ausgabe der Werte in km/h anstatt in m/s in meinem Nacht Flug Video:
Da vielleicht auch der ein oder andere in der FPV community sich dafür interessiert, hier mal die kleinen Code Änderungen basierend auf der 1.9 des MinimOSD Codes:
Djalma C asked me for giving the code changes for the MinimOSD because he noticed my changes for air speed and km/h instead of m/s in my night flight video on vimeo:
To let the FPV community participate on this also, here are the little code changes of MinimOSD code 1.9:
For getting the osd_airspeed value you have to insert two lines as follows:
in OSD_Vars.h:
// insert
static float osd_airspeed = 0; // air speed
// previous to the following line
static float osd_groundspeed = 0; // ground speed
in MAVLink.pde:
// insert
osd_airspeed = mavlink_msg_vfr_hud_get_airspeed(&msg);
// previous to the following line
osd_groundspeed = mavlink_msg_vfr_hud_get_groundspeed(&msg);
For displaying the new osd_airspeed value and the old osd_groundspeed value and show these values in km/h instead of m/s you have to change one line as follows:
in OSD_Panels.pde:
/* **************************************************************** */
// Panel : panVel
// Needs : X, Y locations
// Output : Velocity value(s) from MAVlink with symbols
// Size : 1(2) x 7 (rows x chars)
// Staus : done
void panVel(int first_col, int first_line){
osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line);
// change the osd.printf line to
osd.printf("%c%4.0f%c|%c%4.0f%c", 0x89, (double)(osd_airspeed * 3.6), 0x81, 0x86, (double)(osd_groundspeed * 3.6), 0x81);
Have fun
Djalma C fragte mich auf vimeo nach meinen Änderungen am MinimOSD Code für die Anzeige des air speed und der Ausgabe der Werte in km/h anstatt in m/s in meinem Nacht Flug Video:
Da vielleicht auch der ein oder andere in der FPV community sich dafür interessiert, hier mal die kleinen Code Änderungen basierend auf der 1.9 des MinimOSD Codes:
Djalma C asked me for giving the code changes for the MinimOSD because he noticed my changes for air speed and km/h instead of m/s in my night flight video on vimeo:
To let the FPV community participate on this also, here are the little code changes of MinimOSD code 1.9:
For getting the osd_airspeed value you have to insert two lines as follows:
in OSD_Vars.h:
// insert
static float osd_airspeed = 0; // air speed
// previous to the following line
static float osd_groundspeed = 0; // ground speed
in MAVLink.pde:
// insert
osd_airspeed = mavlink_msg_vfr_hud_get_airspeed(&msg);
// previous to the following line
osd_groundspeed = mavlink_msg_vfr_hud_get_groundspeed(&msg);
For displaying the new osd_airspeed value and the old osd_groundspeed value and show these values in km/h instead of m/s you have to change one line as follows:
in OSD_Panels.pde:
/* **************************************************************** */
// Panel : panVel
// Needs : X, Y locations
// Output : Velocity value(s) from MAVlink with symbols
// Size : 1(2) x 7 (rows x chars)
// Staus : done
void panVel(int first_col, int first_line){
osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line);
// change the osd.printf line to
osd.printf("%c%4.0f%c|%c%4.0f%c", 0x89, (double)(osd_airspeed * 3.6), 0x81, 0x86, (double)(osd_groundspeed * 3.6), 0x81);
Have fun