Noch ein NEX 5 Alu Gimbal

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Erfahrener Benutzer
ich hab auch schon ideen...sobald ich den gimbal habe poste ich was...aber ich glaub die beiden mögen sich

mache auch eine doppelentkupplung...level 1 härter mit gummi für die fc und batterien...level 2 mit silikon verschraubt für den gimbal...die kombination schluckt normalerweise alles

hat jemand schon versucht den roll motor falsch zu montieren das der gimbal weiter vor rückt und näher zu den vorderen props?
sieht aus als würde das gut gehen können

The Highlander

Erfahrener Benutzer
@ Hexacop I have a few questions for you if I may?

1: how have you managed to fit your sensor under the black case as mine will fit but NOT with the plug it is to BIG
2: Also I had to drill the arms were motors attach or they would not turn when fixed

please supply pictures of how you have your one fitted ?????


Erfahrener Benutzer
Hi Highlander,
this was the first version of the gimbal, when Peter made it the RCTimer motors came with the 3mm shaft and the center hole was just large enough to fit that motor. In the meantime the motors got the 5mm shaft and won't fit anymore without the little modification you did.
The same thing happen with the sensor. Initially the sensor was supplied with a simple cable which had to be soldered on the sensor PCB. Since the new sensor got a plug it may not fit into the first version of the case.
All of this and some other small changes has been corrected by Peter and current version should fit without problems.

The Highlander

Erfahrener Benutzer
Hi Hexa, this is strange, this then means that PETER has sent me an old version of the gimbal when I received an email from him telling me that they were making the modifications and it would then be dispatched to me :mad: I am going to have to speak to peter to ask him WHY?
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The Highlander

Erfahrener Benutzer
I have spoken to peter today and he has agreed to send me the new modified sensor black box as for the other mods I have doe them myself. will keep you informed of when this arrives.


Neuer Benutzer
Hi guys, gimbal fitted and what a cracking gimbal it is, very very well built, I am most impressed :)

I have a problem though I wonder if someone can help with.

My PID`s seem fine, in slow movements while flying the gimbal holds fine, in pitch and roll. No vibrations at all, nice solid level picture.

If however I try to move the Hex forward at and decent speed I am getting roll twitches as it moves forward. I cant seem to find out why its doing it or how to fix it


Erfahrener Benutzer
Hi Cayote,
can you post a picture of your setup and how you mounted the gimbal on the frame, also a short video would be helpful...


Neuer Benutzer
Hi Hexacop, sorry I`ve been very busy haven't had time to reply :(

Here is how I have mounted it :

14 x 100g dampeners used between the gimbal base and the frame.

Here is a very quick video of whats happening, I didn't setu the camera or anything, video just for demonstrative purposes.

I think but not really sure, its one of two things

Either the dampeners are too soft so the gimbal is shaking with the wind hitting it or coming to a sudden stop. I have ordered the much stiffer orange 300g dampeners in case that`s it. Or its the board ( prototype ) itself, so I have ordered an Alexmos original board ( just in case )

I have added ferrite rings to both motor outputs and the I2C wire, I have moved the IMU to the opposite end in case its too close to the motor.

Basically, I`m out of ideas, any clues to whats wrong ?


Erfahrener Benutzer
I guess the dampers are too soft, so yes it is a good idea to swap them or at least swap every second,
but it could also be caused the wind forcing the camera out of the stable position, in this case you may try to increase the motor power.

Also Michel is right, those dampers works better under compression (the wight sits above them) and not the quick & dirty solution invented by the Chinese.
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Erfahrener Benutzer
Hoi Michel,

This is a great idea! To create extra damping of other vibrating frequencies you could even ad a disk from spungy material in the middle...

Groeten Hans


Erfahrener Benutzer
Made another video today with the new gimabl for the CX730.
internal stabilization of the CX730 set to standard (tripod!)
KamKop will announce it soon, stay tuned ;-)


Erfahrener Benutzer
I have the same problem with the gimbal starting to shake when the copter gets a strong windgust and has to correct it
I normally dont like to have the camera weight so far below the copter
I use a pretty soft dampening with silicon and rubber in compression in an ecilocp fame
I now put the flight battery on a platform over the alexmos about 3 cm over the dampening...this helps...even higher would be better I guess

I allready took the copter with me to a job the last 2 days and it performed really good for a freshly build setup
I decided to use a Sony rx100 because it stabalized the video as well, which is helpfull with those bl gimbals , at least with the limited experience I have

hexacop, those zooms are impressive...but I dont like those micro you know the casue for this? it seems there is some kind of loose moment with Bl motors...would love to eliminate this on mine as well
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