Hi all, bevor AC 3.3 gibt es noch die AC3.3 RC 11:
DeveloperPermalink Reply by Randy 1 hour ago
Copter-3.3-rc11 is now available through the mission planner’s beta firmwares link.
This has just one change from –rc10, instead of saying “Waiting for 3D Fix” during pre-arm it gives a detailed reason like “PreArm: Need 6 sats (have 5)”.
We're aiming to do a soft release of Copter-3.3 probably this weekend. So that will just be renaming -rc11 to Copter-3.3
Thanks all!
DeveloperPermalink Reply by Randy 1 hour ago
Copter-3.3-rc11 is now available through the mission planner’s beta firmwares link.
This has just one change from –rc10, instead of saying “Waiting for 3D Fix” during pre-arm it gives a detailed reason like “PreArm: Need 6 sats (have 5)”.
We're aiming to do a soft release of Copter-3.3 probably this weekend. So that will just be renaming -rc11 to Copter-3.3
Thanks all!