/***************** ***************/
/**************** SECTION 4 - ALTERNATE CPUs & BOARDS *******/
/***************** ***************/
/******** Promini Specifig Settings ********************/
/************************** Hexa Motor 5 & 6 Pins *******************************/
/* PIN A0 and A1 instead of PIN D5 & D6 for 6 motors config and promini config
This mod allow the use of a standard receiver on a pro mini
(no need to use a PPM sum receiver) */
//#define A0_A1_PIN_HEX
/********************************* Aux 2 Pin ***********************************/
/* possibility to use PIN8 or PIN12 as the AUX2 RC input (only one, not both)
it deactivates in this case the POWER PIN (pin 12) or the BUZZER PIN (pin 8) */
//#define RCAUXPIN8
//#define RCAUXPIN12
/***************** Teensy 2.0 Support ******************/
/* uncomment this if you use a teensy 2.0 with teensyduino
it needs to run at 16MHz */
//#define TEENSY20
/******** Settings for ProMicro, Leonardo and other Atmega32u4 Boards ***********/
/********************************* pin Layout **********************************/
/* activate this for a better pinlayout if all pins can be used => not possible on ProMicro */
//#define A32U4ALLPINS
/********************************** PWM Setup **********************************/
/* activate all 6 hardware PWM outputs Motor 5 = D11 and 6 = D13.
note: not possible on the sparkfun promicro (pin 11 & 13 are not broken out there)
if activated:
Motor 1-6 = 10-bit hardware PWM
Motor 7-8 = 8-bit Software PWM
Servos = 8-bit Software PWM
if deactivated:
Motor 1-4 = 10-bit hardware PWM
Motor 5-8 = 10-bit Software PWM
Servos = 10-bit Software PWM */
//#define HWPWM6
/********************************** Aux 2 Pin **********************************/
/* AUX2 pin on pin RXO */
/* aux2 pin on pin D17 (RXLED) */
//#define RCAUX2PIND17
/********************************** Buzzer Pin **********************************/
/* this moves the Buzzer pin from TXO to D8 for use with ppm sum or spectrum sat. RX (not needed if A32U4ALLPINS is active) */
//#define D8BUZZER
/*********************** Promicro version related ****************************/
/* Inverted status LED for Promicro ver 10 */
//#define PROMICRO10
/******** override default pin assignments ********************/
/* only enable any of this if you must change the default pin assignment, e.g. your board does not have a specific pin */
/* you may need to change PINx and PORTx plus #shift according to the desired pin! */
//#define OVERRIDE_V_BATPIN A0 // instead of A3 // Analog PIN 3
//#define OVERRIDE_LEDPIN_PINMODE pinMode (A1, OUTPUT); // use A1 instead of d13
//#define OVERRIDE_LEDPIN_TOGGLE PINC |= 1<<1; // PINB |= 1<<5; //switch LEDPIN state (digital PIN 13)
//#define OVERRIDE_LEDPIN_OFF PORTC &= ~(1<<1); // PORTB &= ~(1<<5);
//#define OVERRIDE_LEDPIN_ON PORTC |= 1<<1; // was PORTB |= (1<<5);
//#define OVERRIDE_BUZZERPIN_PINMODE pinMode (A2, OUTPUT); // use A2 instead of d8
//#define OVERRIDE_BUZZERPIN_ON PORTC |= 1<<2 //PORTB |= 1;
//#define OVERRIDE_BUZZERPIN_OFF PORTC &= ~(1<<2); //PORTB &= ~1;