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nav_min_rth_distance 500 Minimum distance from homepoint when RTH can be activated [cm]
nav_rth_climb_first ON If set to ON drone will climb to nav_rth_altitude first and head home afterwards. If set to OFF drone will head home instantly and climb on the way.
nav_rth_tail_first OFF If set to ON drone will return tail-first. Obviously meaningless for airplanes.
nav_rth_allow_landing ON If set to ON drone will land as a last phase of RTH.
nav_rth_climb_ignore_emerg ON If set to ON, aircraft will execute initial climb regardless of position sensor (GPS) status.
nav_rth_alt_mode AT_LEAST Configure how the aircraft will manage altitude on the way home, se Navigation modes on wiki for more details
nav_rth_altitude 1000 Used in EXTRA, FIXED and AT_LEAST rth alt modes (Default 1000 means 10 meters)