/* ITG3200 & ITG3205 Low pass filter setting. In case you cannot eliminate all vibrations to the Gyro, you can try
to decrease the LPF frequency, only one step per try. As soon as twitching gone, stick with that setting.
It will not help on feedback wobbles, so change only when copter is randomly twiching and all dampening and
balancing options ran out. Uncomment only one option!
IMPORTANT! Change low pass filter setting changes PID behaviour, so retune your PID's after changing LPF.*/
//#define ITG3200_LPF_256HZ // This is the default setting, no need to uncomment, just for reference
//#define ITG3200_LPF_188HZ
//#define ITG3200_LPF_98HZ
#define ITG3200_LPF_42HZ
//#define ITG3200_LPF_20HZ
//#define ITG3200_LPF_10HZ // Use this only in extreme cases, rather change motors and/or props
/* MPU6050 Low pass filter setting. In case you cannot eliminate all vibrations to the Gyro, you can try
to decrease the LPF frequency, only one step per try. As soon as twitching gone, stick with that setting.
It will not help on feedback wobbles, so change only when copter is randomly twiching and all dampening and
balancing options ran out. Uncomment only one option!
IMPORTANT! Change low pass filter setting changes PID behaviour, so retune your PID's after changing LPF.*/
//#define MPU6050_LPF_256HZ // This is the default setting, no need to uncomment, just for reference
//#define MPU6050_LPF_188HZ
//#define MPU6050_LPF_98HZ
//#define MPU6050_LPF_42HZ
//#define MPU6050_LPF_20HZ
//#define MPU6050_LPF_10HZ // Use this only in extreme cases, rather change motors and/or props
/* GYRO_SMOOTHING. In case you cannot reduce vibrations _and_ _after_ you have tried the low pass filter options, you
may try this gyro smoothing via averaging. Not suitable for multicopters!
Good results for helicopter, airplanes and flying wings (foamies) with lots of vibrations.*/
//#define GYRO_SMOOTHING {20, 20, 3} // separate averaging ranges for roll, pitch, yaw
// Moving Average Gyros by Magnetron1 (Michele Ardito) ########## beta
#define MMGYRO // Active Moving Average Function for Gyros
#define MMGYROVECTORLENGHT 10 // Lenght of Moving Average Vector
// Moving Average ServoGimbal Signal Output
//#define MMSERVOGIMBAL // Active Output Moving Average Function for Servos Gimbal
//#define MMSERVOGIMBALVECTORLENGHT 32 // Lenght of Moving Average Vector