/************************** The type of multicopter ****************************/
//#define GIMBAL
//#define BI
//#define TRI
//#define QUADP
//#define Y4
//#define Y6
//#define HEX6
//#define HEX6X
//#define OCTOX8
//#define OCTOFLATP
//#define OCTOFLATX
//#define FLYING_WING
//#define VTAIL4
//#define AIRPLANE
//#define DUALCOPTER
//#define HELI_120_CCPM
//#define HELI_90_DEG
/**************************** Motor minthrottle *******************************/
/* Set the minimum throttle command sent to the ESC (Electronic Speed Controller)
//#define MINTHROTTLE 1300 // for Turnigy Plush ESCs 10A
//#define MINTHROTTLE 1120 // for Super Simple ESCs 10A
//#define MINTHROTTLE 1064 // special ESC (simonk)
/**************************** Motor maxthrottle *******************************/
/* this is the maximum value for the ESCs at full power, this value can be increased up to 2000 */
/**************************** Mincommand *******************************/
/* this is the value for the ESCs when they are not armed
/********************************** I2C speed ************************************/
//100kHz normal mode, this value must be used for a genuine WMP
//#define I2C_SPEED 400000L //400kHz fast mode, it works only with some WMP clones
/*************************** Internal i2c Pullups ********************************/
/* enable internal I2C pull ups (in most cases it is better to use external pullups) */
/***************** boards and sensor definitions ******************/
/*************************** Combined IMU Boards ********************************/
/* if you use a specific sensor board:
//#define FFIMUv1 // first 9DOF+baro board from Jussi, with HMC5843 <- confirmed by Alex
//#define FFIMUv2 // second version of 9DOF+baro board from Jussi, with HMC5883 <- confirmed by Alex
//#define FREEIMUv1 // v0.1 & v0.2 & v0.3 version of 9DOF board from Fabio
//#define FREEIMUv03 // FreeIMU v0.3 and v0.3.1
//#define FREEIMUv035 // FreeIMU v0.3.5 no baro
//#define FREEIMUv035_MS // FreeIMU v0.3.5_MS <- confirmed by Alex
//#define FREEIMUv035_BMP // FreeIMU v0.3.5_BMP
//#define FREEIMUv04 // FreeIMU v0.4 with MPU6050, HMC5883L, MS561101BA <- confirmed by Alex
//#define FREEIMUv043 // same as FREEIMUv04 with final MPU6050 (with the right ACC scale)
//#define NANOWII // the smallest multiwii FC based on MPU6050 + pro micro based proc <- confirmed by Alex
//#define PIPO // 9DOF board from erazz
//#define QUADRINO // full FC board 9DOF+baro board from witespy with BMP085 baro <- confirmed by Alex
//#define QUADRINO_ZOOM // full FC board 9DOF+baro board from witespy second edition
//#define QUADRINO_ZOOM_MS// full FC board 9DOF+baro board from witespy second edition <- confirmed by Alex
//#define ALLINONE // full FC board or standalone 9DOF+baro board from CSG_EU
//#define ATAVRSBIN1 // Atmel 9DOF (Contribution by EOSBandi). requires 3.3V power.
//#define SIRIUS // Sirius Navigator IMU <- confirmed by Alex
//#define SIRIUS600 // Sirius Navigator IMU using the WMP for the gyro
//#define MINIWII // Jussi's MiniWii Flight Controller <- confirmed by Alex
//#define CITRUSv2_1 // CITRUS from qcrc.ca
//#define CHERRY6DOFv1_0
//#define DROTEK_10DOF // Drotek 10DOF with ITG3200, BMA180, HMC5883, BMP085, w or w/o LLC
//#define DROTEK_10DOF_MS // Drotek 10DOF with ITG3200, BMA180, HMC5883, MS5611, LLC
//#define DROTEK_6DOFv2 // Drotek 6DOF v2
//#define DROTEK_6DOF_MPU // Drotek 6DOF with MPU6050
//#define DROTEK_10DOF_MPU//
//#define MONGOOSE1_0 // mongoose 1.0 http://store.ckdevices.com/
//#define CRIUS_LITE // Crius MultiWii Lite
//#define CRIUS_SE // Crius MultiWii SE
//#define OPENLRSv2MULTI // OpenLRS v2 Multi Rc Receiver board including ITG3205 and ADXL345
//#define BOARD_PROTO_1 // with MPU6050 + HMC5883L + MS baro
//#define BOARD_PROTO_2 // with MPU6050 + slave MAG3110 + MS baro
//#define GY_80 // Chinese 10 DOF with L3G4200D ADXL345 HMC5883L BMP085, LLC
//#define GY_85 // Chinese 9 DOF with ITG3205 ADXL345 HMC5883L LLC
//#define GY_86 // Chinese 10 DOF with MPU6050 HMC5883L MS5611, LLC
//#define INNOVWORKS_10DOF // with ITG3200, BMA180, HMC5883, BMP085 available here http://www.diymulticopter.com
//#define INNOVWORKS_6DOF // with ITG3200, BMA180 available here http://www.diymulticopter.com
//#define PROTO_DIY // 10DOF mega board
//#define IOI_MINI_MULTIWII// www.bambucopter.com
//#define Bobs_6DOF_V1 // BobsQuads 6DOF V1 with ITG3200 & BMA180
//#define Bobs_9DOF_V1 // BobsQuads 9DOF V1 with ITG3200, BMA180 & HMC5883L
//#define Bobs_10DOF_BMP_V1 // BobsQuads 10DOF V1 with ITG3200, BMA180, HMC5883L & BMP180 - BMP180 is software compatible with BMP085
//#define FLYDUINO_MPU
//#define CRIUS_AIO_PRO_V1
/*************************** independent sensors ********************************/
/* leave it commented if you already checked a specific board above */
/* I2C gyroscope */
//#define ITG3200
//#define L3G4200D
//#define MPU6050 //combo + ACC
/* I2C accelerometer */
//#define NUNCHUCK // if you want to use the nunckuk connected to a WMP
//#define MMA7455
//#define ADXL345
//#define BMA180
//#define NUNCHACK // if you want to use the nunckuk as a standalone I2C ACC without WMP
//#define LIS3LV02
//#define LSM303DLx_ACC
/* I2C barometer */
//#define BMP085
//#define MS561101BA
/* I2C magnetometer */
//#define HMC5843
//#define HMC5883
//#define AK8975
//#define MAG3110
/* Sonar */ // for visualization purpose currently - no control code behind
//#define SRF02 // use the Devantech SRF i2c sensors
//#define SRF08
//#define SRF10
//#define SRF23
/* ADC accelerometer */ // for 5DOF from sparkfun, uses analog PIN A1/A2/A3
//#define ADCACC
/* individual sensor orientation */
//#define ACC_ORIENTATION(X, Y, Z) {accADC[ROLL] = Y; accADC[PITCH] = -X; accADC[YAW] = Z;}
//#define GYRO_ORIENTATION(X, Y, Z) {gyroADC[ROLL] = -Y; gyroADC[PITCH] = X; gyroADC[YAW] = Z;}
//#define MAG_ORIENTATION(X, Y, Z) {magADC[ROLL] = X; magADC[PITCH] = Y; magADC[YAW] = Z;}
/******************************** TRI *********************************/
//#define YAW_DIRECTION -1 // if you want to reverse the yaw correction direction
/* you can change the tricopter servo travel here */
// tail servo center pos. - use this for initial trim; later trim midpoint via LCD
/******************************** ARM/DISARM *********************************/
/* optionally disable stick combinations to arm/disarm the motors.
/*********************** Cam Stabilisation ***********************/
/* The following lines apply only for a pitch/roll tilt stabilization system. Uncomment the first or second line to activate it */
//#define SERVO_MIX_TILT
//#define SERVO_TILT
//servo travel min, don't set it below 1020
//servo travel max, max value=2000
//servo neutral value
//servo proportional (tied to angle) ; can be negative to invert movement
/* camera trigger function : activated via Rc Options in the GUI, servo output=A2 on promini */
//#define CAMTRIG
// the position of HIGH state servo
// the position of LOW state servo
// the duration of HIGH state servo expressed in ms
// the duration of LOW state servo expressed in ms
/*********************** Flying Wing ***********************/
/* you can change change servo orientation and servo min/max values here
// left servo - pitch orientation
// right servo - pitch orientation (opposite sign to PITCH_DIRECTION_L, if servos are mounted in mirrored orientation)
// left servo - roll orientation
// right servo - roll orientation (same sign as ROLL_DIRECTION_L, if servos are mounted in mirrored orientation)
// left servo center pos. - use this for initial trim; later trim midpoint via LCD
// right servo center pos. - use this for initial trim; later trim midpoint via LCD
// limit servo travel range must be inside [1020;2000]
// limit servo travel range must be inside [1020;2000]
// limit servo travel range must be inside [1020;2000]
// limit servo travel range must be inside [1020;2000]
/*********************** Airplane ***********************/
// Rates in 0-100%
// Invert servos by setting -1
//#define FLAPPERONS AUX4 // Mix Flaps with Aileroins.
// Endpooints for flaps on a 2 way switch else set {1020,2000} and program in radio.
//#define FLAPPERON_EP { 1200, 1500 } // Or Flapperons up for CrowMix
// Change direction om flapperons { Wing1, Wing2 }
//#define FLAPS AUX4 // Traditional Flaps on A2 invert with SERVO_DIRECTION servo[2).
// Endpooints for flaps on a 2 way switch else set {1020,2000} and program in radio.
//#define FLAPSPEED 3 // Make flaps move slowm Higher value is Higher Speed.
/*********************** Common for Heli & Airplane ***********************/
//#define D12_POWER // Use D12 on PROMINI to power sensors. Will disable servo[4] on D12
// Adjust Servo MID Offset & Swash angles
// Selectable channels:= ROLL,PITCH,THROTTLE,YAW,AUX1,AUX2,AUX3,AUX4
/*********************** Heli ***********************/
/* Channel to control CollectivePitch */
/* Set Maximum available movement for the servos. Depending on model */
/* Limit the range of Collective Pitch. 100% is Full Range each way and position for Zero Pitch */
// {Min%, ZeroPitch, Max%}.
// Use servo[5] SERVO_ENDPOINT_HIGH/LOW for the endpoits.
// If a motor is useed as YAW Set to 1 else set to 0.
/* Servo mixing for heli 120 Use 1/10 fractions (ex.5 = 5/10 = 1/2)
/* Servo mixing for heli 90
// -1 will invert servo
/* Limit Maximum controll for Roll & Nick in 0-100% */
/* use servo code to drive the throttle output. You want this for analog servo driving the throttle on IC engines.
/*********************** Single and DualCopter Settings ***********************/
/* Change to -1 to reverse servomovement per axis
// Left, Right,Front,Rear
// Pitch,Pitch,Roll, Roll
/* Servosettings for DualCopter */
/* Use SERVO_OFFSET and SERVO_RATES in Heli and Airplane section for centering and endpoints */
/* note: no need to uncomment something in this section if you use a standard receiver */
/******** special receiver types ********************/
/**************************** PPM Sum Reciver ***********************************/
/* The following lines apply only for specific receiver with only one PPM sum signal, on digital PIN 2
//For Graupner/Spektrum
//#define SERIAL_SUM_PPM PITCH,ROLL,THROTTLE,YAW,AUX1,AUX2,AUX3,AUX4 //For some Hitec/Sanwa/Others
/********************** Spektrum Satellite Reciver *******************************/
/* The following lines apply only for Spektrum Satellite Receiver
//#define SPEKTRUM 1024
//#define SPEKTRUM 2048
/******************************* SBUS RECIVER ************************************/
/* The following line apply only for Futaba S-Bus Receiver on MEGA boards at RX1 only (Serial 1).
//#define SBUS
/******************* RC signal from the serial port via Multiwii Serial Protocol *********/
//#define RCSERIAL
/******** Promini Specifig Settings ********************/
/************************** Hexa Motor 5 & 6 Pins *******************************/
/* PIN A0 and A1 instead of PIN D5 & D6 for 6 motors config and promini config
//#define A0_A1_PIN_HEX
/********************************* Aux 2 Pin ***********************************/
/* possibility to use PIN8 or PIN12 as the AUX2 RC input (only one, not both)
//#define RCAUXPIN8
//#define RCAUXPIN12
/***************** Teensy 2.0 Support ******************/
/* uncomment this if you use a teensy 2.0 with teensyduino
//#define TEENSY20
/******** Settings for ProMicro, Leonardo and other Atmega32u4 Boards ***********/
/********************************* pin Layout **********************************/
/* activate this for a better pinlayout if all pins can be used => not possible on ProMicro */
//#define A32U4ALLPINS
/********************************** PWM Setup **********************************/
/* activate all 6 hardware PWM outputs Motor 5 = D11 and 6 = D13.
//#define HWPWM6
/********************************** Aux 2 Pin **********************************/
/* AUX2 pin on pin RXO */
//#define RCAUX2PINRXO
/* aux2 pin on pin D17 (RXLED) */
//#define RCAUX2PIND17
/********************************** Buzzer Pin **********************************/
/* this moves the Buzzer pin from TXO to D8 for use with ppm sum or spectrum sat. RX (not needed if A32U4ALLPINS is active) */
//#define D8BUZZER
/*********************** Promicro version related ****************************/
/* Inverted status LED for Promicro ver 10 */
//#define PROMICRO10
/****** Serial com speed *********************************/
/* This is the speed of the serial interface */
/* interleaving delay in micro seconds between 2 readings WMP/NK in a WMP+NK config
/* when there is an error on I2C bus, we neutralize the values during a short time. expressed in microseconds
/******** Gyro filters ********************/
/********************* Lowpass filter for some gyros ****************************/
/* ITG3200 & ITG3205 Low pass filter setting. In case you cannot eliminate all vibrations to the Gyro, you can try
//#define ITG3200_LPF_256HZ // This is the default setting, no need to uncomment, just for reference
//#define ITG3200_LPF_188HZ
//#define ITG3200_LPF_98HZ
//#define ITG3200_LPF_42HZ
//#define ITG3200_LPF_20HZ
//#define ITG3200_LPF_10HZ // Use this only in extreme cases, rather change motors and/or props
/* MPU6050 Low pass filter setting. In case you cannot eliminate all vibrations to the Gyro, you can try
//#define MPU6050_LPF_256HZ // This is the default setting, no need to uncomment, just for reference
//#define MPU6050_LPF_188HZ
//#define MPU6050_LPF_98HZ
//#define MPU6050_LPF_42HZ
//#define MPU6050_LPF_20HZ
//#define MPU6050_LPF_10HZ
//#define MPU6050_LPF_5HZ // Use this only in extreme cases, rather change motors and/or props
/****** Gyro smoothing **********************************/
/* GYRO_SMOOTHING. In case you cannot reduce vibrations _and_ _after_ you have tried the low pass filter options, you
//#define GYRO_SMOOTHING {20, 20, 3} // separate averaging ranges for roll, pitch, yaw
/************************ Moving Average Gyros **********************************/
//#define MMGYRO // Active Moving Average Function for Gyros
//#define MMGYROVECTORLENGHT 10 // Lenght of Moving Average Vector
/* Moving Average ServoGimbal Signal Output */
//#define MMSERVOGIMBAL // Active Output Moving Average Function for Servos Gimbal
//#define MMSERVOGIMBALVECTORLENGHT 32 // Lenght of Moving Average Vector
/* Pseudo-derivative conrtroller for level mode (experimental)
//#define LEVEL_PDF
/******** Failsave settings ********************/
/* Failsafe check pulse on THROTTLE channel. If the pulse is OFF (on only THROTTLE or on all channels) the failsafe procedure is initiated.
//#define FAILSAFE // uncomment to activate the failsafe function
// Guard time for failsafe activation after signal lost. 1 step = 0.1sec - 1sec in example
// Time for Landing before motors stop in 0.1sec. 1 step = 0.1sec - 20sec in example
// Throttle level used for landing - may be relative to MINTHROTTLE - as in this case
/***************** DFRobot LED RING *********************************/
/* I2C DFRobot LED RING communication */
//#define LED_RING
/******************************** LED FLASHER ***********************************/
//#define LED_FLASHER
//#define LED_FLASHER_SEQUENCE ( (uint8_t) 0 )
// create double flashes
//#define LED_FLASHER_SEQUENCE_ARMED ( (uint8_t) (1<<0 | 1<<2) )
// full illumination
/******************************* Landing lights *********************************/
/* Landing lights
/* altitude above ground (in cm) as reported by sonar */
/************************* INFLIGHT ACC Calibration *****************************/
/* This will activate the ACC-Inflight calibration if unchecked */
/************************** Disable WMP power pin *******************************/
/* disable use of the POWER PIN
/*********************** TX-related **************************/
/* introduce a deadband around the stick center
//#define DEADBAND 6
/* defines the neutral zone of throttle stick during altitude hold, default setting is
/*********************** GPS **************************/
/* GPS using a SERIAL port
// should be 2 for flyduino v2. It's the serial port number on arduino MEGA
//#define GPS_PROMINI_SERIAL 57600 // Will Autosense if GPS is connected when ardu boots
/* I2C GPS device made with an independant arduino + GPS device
//#define I2C_GPS
/* I2C GPS device made with an indeedent ATTiny[24]313 + GPS device and
/* get GPS data from Tiny-GPS */
//#define TINY_GPS
/* get sonar data from Tiny-GPS */
//#define TINY_GPS_SONAR
/* indicate a valid GPS fix with at least 5 satellites by flashing the LED? */
/* GPS data readed from OSD -- still need some more code to work */
//#define GPS_FROM_OSD
//#define USE_MSP_WP //Enables the MSP_WP command, which is used by WinGUI to display and log Home and Poshold positions
//Uncomment it if you are planning to use WinGUI - Will cost +208 bytes of Flash
//#define DONT_RESET_HOME_AT_ARM // HOME position is reset at every arm, uncomment it to prohibit it (you can set home position with GyroCalibration)
/* GPS navigation can control the heading */
true // copter faces toward the navigation point, maghold must be enabled for it
false // true - copter comes in with tail first
true // true - when copter arrives to home position it rotates it's head to takeoff direction
/* Get your magnetic decliniation from here : http://magnetic-declination.com/
//#define MAG_DECLINIATION 3.96f //For Budapest Hungary.
// add a 5 element moving average filter to GPS coordinates, helps eliminate gps noise but adds latency comment out to disable
// below .5m/s speed ignore D term for POSHOLD_RATE, theoretically this also removed D term induced noise commnent out to disable
// if we are within this distance to a waypoint then we consider it reached (distance is in cm)
// Adds a rate control to nav output, will smoothen out nav angle spikes
/*********************** LCD/OLED - display settings *********************/
/* uncomment this line if you plan to use a LCD or OLED */
//#define LCD_CONF
/* to include setting the aux switches for AUX1 -> AUX4 via LCD */ //to review (activate[] is now 16 bit long)
//#define LCD_CONF_AUX
/* if program gets too large (>32k), need to exclude some functionality */
/* uncomment to suppress some unwanted aux3 aux4 items in config menu (only useful if LCD_CONF_AUX is enabled) */
/***************************** The type of LCD **********************************/
/* choice of LCD attached for configuration and telemetry, see notes below */
//#define LCD_SERIAL3W // Alex' initial variant with 3 wires, using rx-pin for transmission @9600 baud fixed
//#define LCD_TEXTSTAR // SERIAL LCD: Cat's Whisker LCD_TEXTSTAR Module CW-LCD-02 (Which has 4 input keys for selecting menus)
//#define LCD_VT100 // SERIAL LCD: vt100 compatible terminal emulation (blueterm, putty, etc.)
//#define LCD_ETPP // I2C LCD: Eagle Tree Power Panel LCD, which is i2c (not serial)
//#define LCD_LCD03 // I2C LCD: LCD03, which is i2c
//#define OLED_I2C_128x64 // I2C LCD: OLED http://www.multiwii.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1350
/****************************** Logo settings ***********************************/
//#define SUPPRESS_OLED_I2C_128x64LOGO // suppress display of OLED logo to save memory
/* style of display - AUTODETECTED via LCD_ setting - only activate to overwrite defaults */
//#define DISPLAY_2LINES
//#define MULTILINE_PRE 2 // multiline configMenu # pref lines
//#define MULTILINE_POST 6 // multiline configMenu # post lines
/******************************** Navigation ***********************************/
/* keys to navigate the LCD menu (preset to LCD_TEXTSTAR key-depress codes)*/
/* To use an LCD03 for configuration:
/* To use an Eagle Tree Power Panel LCD for configuration:
/* Cat's whisker LCD_TEXTSTAR LCD
/*********************** telemetry **************************/
/* to monitor system values (battery level, loop time etc. with LCD enable this
/******************************** Activation ***********************************/
/* to enable automatic hopping between a choice of telemetry pages uncomment this.
//#define LCD_TELEMETRY_AUTO "123452679" // pages 1 to 7 in ascending order
//#define LCD_TELEMETRY_AUTO "212232425262729" // strong emphasis on page 2
/* same as above, but manual stepping sequence; requires
//#define LCD_TELEMETRY_STEP "0123456789" // must begin with 0
/* on telemetry page B (2) it gives a bar graph which shows how much voltage battery has left. Range from 0 to 12 Volt is not very informative
/* if program gets too large (>32k), need to exclude some functionality
/**** Buzzer ****/
//#define BUZZER
//#define RCOPTIONSBEEP //uncomment this if you want the buzzer to beep at any rcOptions change on channel Aux1 to Aux4
//#define ARMEDTIMEWARNING 330 // Trigger an alarm after a certain time of being armed to save you lipo (if your TX does not have a countdown)
**/**** battery voltage monitoring ****/
****/* for V BAT monitoring
****//#define VBAT // uncomment this line to activate the vbat code
****#define*VBATSCALE*****131*// change this value if readed Battery voltage is different than real voltage
****#define*VBATLEVEL1_3S*107*// 10,7V
****#define*VBATLEVEL2_3S*103*// 10,3V
****#define*VBATLEVEL3_3S*99**// 9.9V
****#define*NO_VBAT*******16*// Avoid beeping without any battery
**/**** powermeter (battery capacity monitoring) ****/
****/* enable monitoring of the power consumption from battery (think of mAh)
****//#define POWERMETER_SOFT
****//#define POWERMETER_HARD
****/* the sum of all powermeters ranges from [0:60000 e4] theoretically.
****#define*PLEVELSCALE*50*// if you change this value for other granularity, you must search for comments in code to change accordingly
****/* larger PLEVELDIV will get you smaller value for power (mAh equivalent) */
****#define*PLEVELDIV*5000*// default for soft - if you lower PLEVELDIV, beware of overrun in uint32 pMeter
****#define*PLEVELDIVSOFT*PLEVELDIV*// for soft always equal to PLEVELDIV; for hard set to 5000
****//#define PLEVELDIV 1361L // to convert the sum into mAh divide by this value
****/* amploc 25A sensor has 37mV/A
****#define*PSENSORNULL*510*// for I=0A my sensor gives 1/2 Vss; that is approx 2.49Volt
****#define*PINT2mA*13*// for telemtry display: one integer step on arduino analog translates to mA (example 4.9 / 37 * 100
**/******** special ESC with extended range [0-2000] microseconds ********************/
****//#define EXT_MOTOR_RANGE
**/*********************** motor, servo and other presets ***********************/
****/* motors will not spin when the throttle command is in low position
****//#define MOTOR_STOP
****/* some radios have not a neutral point centered on 1500. can be changed here */
**/*********************** Servo Refreshrates ***********************/
****/* Default 50Hz Servo refresh rate*/
****/* up to 160Hz servo refreshrate .. works with the most analog servos*/
****//#define SERVO_RFR_160HZ
****/* up to 300Hz refreshrate it is as fast as possible (100-300Hz depending on the cound of used servos and the servos state).
****//#define SERVO_RFR_300HZ
**/*********************** HW PWM Servos ***********************/
****/* HW PWM Gimbal for Arduino Mega.. moves:
****//#define MEGA_HW_GIMBAL
**/**** IMU complimentary filter tuning ****/
****/* Set the Low Pass Filter factor for ACC
****//#define ACC_LPF_FACTOR 100
****/* Set the Low Pass Filter factor for Magnetometer
****//#define MG_LPF_FACTOR 4
****/* Set the Gyro Weight for Gyro/Acc complementary filter
****//#define GYR_CMPF_FACTOR 400.0f
****/* Set the Gyro Weight for Gyro/Magnetometer complementary filter
****//#define GYR_CMPFM_FACTOR 200.0f
**/**** diagnostics ****/
****/* to log values like max loop time and others to come
****//#define LOG_VALUES 1
****/* to add debugging code
****//#define DEBUG
****/* Use this to trigger LCD configuration without a TX - only for debugging - do NOT fly with this activated */
****//#define LCD_CONF_DEBUG
****/* Use this to trigger telemetry without a TX - only for debugging - do NOT fly with this activated */
****//#define LCD_TELEMETRY_DEBUG //This form rolls between all screens, LCD_TELEMETRY_AUTO must also be defined.
****//#define LCD_TELEMETRY_DEBUG 6 //This form stays on the screen specified.
**/**** ESCs calibration ****/
****/* to calibrate all ESCs connected to MWii at the same time (useful to avoid unplugging/re-plugging each ESC)
****//#define ESC_CALIB_CANNOT_FLY // uncomment to activate
**/**** internal frequencies ****/
****/* frequenies for rare cyclic actions in the main loop, depend on cycle time
****#define*LCD_TELEMETRY_FREQ*23*******// to send telemetry data over serial 23 <=> 60ms <=> 16Hz (only sending interlaced, so 8Hz update rate)
****#define*LCD_TELEMETRY_AUTO_FREQ*667*// to step to next telemetry page 667 <=> 2s
****#define*PSENSORFREQ*6***************// to read hardware powermeter sensor 6 <=> 18ms
****#define*VBATFREQ*PSENSORFREQ********// to read battery voltage - keep equal to PSENSORFREQ unless you know what you are doing
**/**** Regression testing ****/
****/* for development only:
****//#define COPTERTEST 1