Well, the GS instructions are simple also. Plug A/V one or two inputs from receiver, pan and tilt servo outputs to antenna tracker. Configure servo limits, speed, and travels.
This is the instructions I made to the other guys with beta units:
1-Press "action" button for more than 2 seconds. Menu item "Pan servo 90° CCW" will show.
2-Set it to 0, adjust mechanical linkage of pan servo so antenna face the "front", centered mechanical setup.
3-After mechanical setup, increase or decrease the value with minus or plus buttons, so the antenna change pan orientation to 90° CCW(counter clock wise).
4-Press "action" button again. Menu item "Pan servo 90°CW" will show.
5-Increase or decrease the value with minus or plus buttons, so the antenna change pan orientation to 90° CW(clock wise).
6-Press "action" button again. Menu item "Max allowed pan" will show.
7-Increase or decrease the value with minus or plus buttons,to set the maximum allowed pan travel to each side (+-90 to +-180°)
8-Press "action" button again. Menu item "Servo tilt 0°" will show.
9-Increase or decrease the value with minus or plus buttons, so the antenna change tilt orientation to 0° (flat).
10-Press "action" button again. Menu item "Servo tilt 90°" will show.
11-Increase or decrease the value with minus or plus buttons, so the antenna change tilt orientation to 90° (up).
12-Press "action" button again. Menu item "Tilt lower limit" will show.
13-Increase or decrease the value with minus or plus buttons,to set the minimum allowed tilt travel to the lower side.
14-Press "action" button again. Menu item "Heading offset" will show.
15-Make sure the OSD has the "home" set while it is closest possible to the antenna tracker. Move the airplane 20mts to the direction the front of the antenna tracker is facing.
16-Push minus or plus buttons,to set. This will make the antenna tracker know the orientation of its front. You have to repeat this procedure each time you change antenna tracker front side orientation.
17-Press "action" button again. Menu item "Pan servo speed" will show.
18-Push minus or plus buttons, this will set pan servo travel speed.
19-Press "action" button again. Menu item "tilt servo speed" will show.
20-Push minus or plus buttons, this will set tilt servo travel speed.
21-Press "action" button again. Menu item "exit & save" will show.
22-Push minus or plus buttons, this will exit and save configurations.
thank Alex / Vova