Verlorenen Flieger wieder finden

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Signal via UHF zur Ortung verlorener Flieger

Dieses Projekt bietet ein UHF Ortungssignal zum Auffinden verlorener Flieger an. Ich finde es preislich etwas zu hoch angesetzt, aber ich bin kein Experte um zu beurteilen ob die Elektronik tatsächlich so teuer ist, oder hier nur brutal eine Marktlücke ausgeschlachtet wird:

to program the beacon use short clicks, series of clicks make numbers, 1second pause to separate the numbers, valid entry confirmed after 3s time-out: the LED blinks back the code you just entered.

VOX beacon:

1.x -start up delay x*20minutes, enter 1.2 for 40minutes delay, enter 1.10 to turn of the delay
default - turned off. Because TX blocked by VOX while model is flying no delay is OK.

2.X MODE selector, 2.2=beacon 2.1=audio transmitter(wireless microphone)

3.x channel set: 3.1 = custom channel(enter any freq. by enetring 6digit number), 3.2 ~3.8 FRS channels 2~8

4.x VOX sensitivity, 4.1 - highest: just abit noise needed to start TX in mic. mode or stop TX in beacon mode

5.x delay, if VOX has blocked the beacon it will remain standby atleast x*4seconds
in microphone mode the TX will not stop x*4s even if it's silent

6.x RF power: 6.1= lowest power (1mW)(only 1st tone in beacon mode), 6.7= highest (almost 100mW)
default settings 6.6 whish is optimal for beacon mode, if using as microphone set 6.1 - 6.4 cause higher power will drain the battery quick

7.x RF modulation (deviation), default is 7.2 which is good for cheap walkie-talkies using 6kHz channl width, if you use HAM radio or plice scanner set 7.2 or 7.3 so it will sound louder

8.1 (default) = LED is strobing while standby, 8.2= LED is on only while pushing button

9.x not usued in current firmware (used to trim crystal in older beacons)

enter 6 digits to set your own TX frequency, say you want 423.110 = push (10 clicks = Zero)
to enter codes you have to click fast pausing for 1-2s in between digits, if command accepted LED confirms your entry

VOX beacon is easy to use esp. if flying with UHF LRS, wind and prop noise keep the beacon standby thus UHF LRS doesn't see inband noise and no failsaves can happen
on negative side VOX circuit constantly draws 3-4mA to sample audio level, if using 100-200mAh 1S Li-Po plan on some 6 hours of beacon life

when connecting the battery or single click battery status confirmed with series of up to 4 blinks, 4blinks if battery above 4v, 3blinks 3.8v, 2=3.7V, one =3.6v, one very short blink - battery is too low.

NO VOX version:
1.x STARTUP DELAY, default 1.2 (40minutes)
2.x duty sycle (time between series of tones) default 2.2= 4s
3.x channel number ,default 5
4.x standard selector, 4.1=FRS 1-8,4.2=PMR 1-8,4.3 =LPD channels 11-18, 4.4 and up sets custom channel
5.x Function: 5.1=BEACON,5.2=fsk data TX,5.3 ook TX,5.4 =UNMODULATED CARRIER
6.x deviation, default 2 , set higher number to sound louder
7.x RF Power , default 6
8.1 LED is strobing while standby, 8.2 LED turned on only while button pushed

whenever you decide to reset defaults hold the button about 4s (till LED turms off)
reset doesn't change custom frequency

Unlike VOX transmiter the non-VOX has decay on all intervals, say starting interval is 4s, within 5 hours it slowly grows to 25s then constant, decay makes the beacon very efficient, using 1S 138MaH Li-Po ond 2.4 and up interval setting one can expect days of operation.

pre-programmed channels:
PMR[8]={446.006, 446.019, 446.031, 446.044, 446.056, 446.069, 446.081, 446.094};
FRS[8]={462.563, 462.588 ,462.613, 462.638, 462.663, 462.688, 462.713, 467.563};//
NZ[8] ={476.925, 476.950, 476.975, 477.000, 477.025,477.050,477.075,477.100};//
LPD[8]={433.325, 433.350, 433.375, 433.400, 433.425,433.450,433.475,433.500};//

hear the tones :

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Erhaltene "Gefällt mir": flatpro
Wie reagiert die Mehrheit von euch eigentlich bei einem Bildverlust oder wenn man auf Sicht fliegt abgelenkt ist und den Flieger am Himmel nicht wiederfindet?
Macht es Sinn den Flieger *fliegen* zu lassen - Failsave oder lieber voll Höhen + Querruder??? damit er in etwa dort runterkommt wo man ihn vermutet zuletzt gesehen hat? (freies Feld zb)?
Wie macht ihr das?
Ganz einfach entspannt weiter fliegen bis entweder das Bild wieder kommt oder falls nicht einfach auf RTH schalten und warten bis er (2m Raptor) über mir zu kreisen beginnt ;)
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