This gives you a list of all commands with usage:
Explanation in brackets(), use Integers only !
WE (Writes active config to eeprom)
RE (Restores values from eeprom to active config)
TC (transmits all config values in eeprom save order)
TC2 (transmits all config value pairs)
SD (Set Defaults)
SP gyroPitchKp gyroPitchKi gyroPitchKd (Set PID for Pitch)
SR gyroRollKp gyroRollKi gyroRollKd (Set PID for Roll)
SA accLowPassTC (Set LP time constant of complementary filter, sec)
SF nPolesMotorPitch nPolesMotorRoll
SE maxPWMmotorPitch maxPWMmotorRoll (Used for Power limitiation on each motor 255=high, 1=low)
SM dirMotorPitch dirMotorRoll motorNumberPitch motorNumberRoll
SSO reverseZ swapXY (set sensor orientation)
SSE enableGyro enableACC (set sensor enable)
GC (Recalibrates the Gyro Offsets)
TRC (transmitts RC Config)
SRC minRCPitch maxRCPitch minRCRoll maxRCRoll (angles -90..90)
SCA rcAbsolute (1 = true, RC control is absolute; 0 = false, RC control is proportional)
TCA (Transmit RC control absolute or not)
UAC useACC (1 = true, ACC; 0 = false, DMP)
TAC (Transmit ACC status)
OAC accOutput (Toggle Angle output in ACC mode: 1 = true, 0 = false)
ODM dmpOutput (Toggle Angle output in DMP mode: 1 = true, 0 = false)
HE (This output)