Schon gesehen? Das ist doch mal ein echter Fortschritt:
It's 'v4' time!. The Uno5800 and Duo5800 versions which are currently shipping to resellers are the fourth version of this popular product. What changed?, Two things, 32-channel support, and price for the Duo5800.
The Duo5800, previously selling at $239 USD MAP, is now reduced significantly to $149 USD MAP!
For the 32 channel support, both the Uno, and the Duo ship supporting our standard 7 channels, compatible with all FatShark, and ImmersionRC products, and as easy to use as they always were. Hold down the two buttons at start, and now you have a 4-band, 32 channel receiver, supporting transmitters from Boscam, Team BlackSheep, etc. in addition to our standard channel set.