Danke für die Hilfe, Flashtool ist geladen, nun die Frage welche FW:
HW Version 2.1
SW Version 1.7S1
Firmware will reset all settings
Critical bug(s) corrected:
i) Initialisation settings didn't get written to the MPU6050 so it was stuck on 250 deg/sec and 2g
Minor bug(s) corrected:
i) Changed/Corrected I2C routines
ii) Default MPU6050 settings now 2000 deg/sec and 8g
Added the following menu options
i) MPU6050 Settings (view deg/sec, acc g and digital low pass filter)
Changes in operation
i) Defaults to AUX for Self Level
ii) All mixing resets to zero when you do a factory reset so you have to select a motor layout
Oder Diese:
HW Version 2.1
SW Version 1.9S1 With Spektrum (R) Satellite Support
i) Firmware will reset all settings
ii) Stick scaling and P&I gains need to be changed if you change the MPU6050 setting
Minor bug(s) corrected:
i) Tidied up I2C routine for burst reading of sensor data
ii) More accurate battery voltage
iii)Corrected low voltage alarm calculation
iv) Corrected code to get an extra 1 bit of resolution on gyro and acc
v) Input Sliders now work with CPPM or Satellite receivers
i) Added support for Spektrum (R) Satellite and clones (See note below)
ii) Added more debug items
iii)Plain english max min Gyro rate and Acc values saved in menu "Sensor Max Min" when armed and SL off - use as an indicator
Supports Spektrum(R) satellite with Tarot cable
Tested with Spektrum AR7/8000 DSM2 satellite and Orange R100 Satellite
Only supports 10 bit with all data in 1 frame
Only supports 7 channels
Uses Throttle input for Tarot cable
Hold buttons 2&3 on power up to enter binding mode
If you switch between CPPM, Sat or normal receivers, power cycle the KK2.1
Debug lists 16 frame bytes from satellite - you'll know if there are 2 frames of data (so bind again).
KK2.1 Settings: -
You will need to set "Sat or CPPM" to "Yes" in Mode Settings
You will need to assign the channels correctly in Sat-CPPM Channels as A=2,E=3,T=1,R=4,Aux=5
Many thanks to David Thompson of OpenAero(2) fame
Oder diese:
Die letzte die ich gefunden habe sieht mir nach der Besten für mich aus:
HW Version 2.1
SW Version 1.10S1 With Spektrum (R) Satellite Support
Changes sice HK V1.6 for KK2.1
i) Firmware will reset all settings
ii) Stick scaling and P&I gains need to be changed if you change the MPU6050 setting
Critical bug(s) corrected:
i) Corrected pin assignment for Output 5 and Output 6
ii) Initialisation settings didn't get written to the MPU6050 so it was stuck on 250 deg/sec and 2g
iii)Default MPU6050 settings now 2000 deg/sec and 8g
Minor bug(s) corrected:
i) Updated KK1_6_MPU6050 to remove unused code for menu button press (thanks RC911)
ii) Updated KK1_6_MPU6050 to correct Meny code to disable OCR1A and B interrupt (thanks RC911)
iii)Changed/Corrected I2C routines so they actually work now
iV) Tidied up I2C routine for burst reading of sensor data
v) More accurate battery voltage - adjusted to read the same as my KK2.0 (thanks HappySundays)
vi) Corrected low voltage alarm calculation
i) Debug Menu (added back in but not checked for accuracy) plus some extra values displayed
ii) Version Menu
iii)Sensor Max Min Menu (records max and min gyro and acc values when armed and SL is off)
iv) MPU6050 Settings Menu (view and change gyro deg/sec, acc g and digital low pass filter)
v) MPU6050 Temperature shown on SAFE screen
vi) Receiver Sliders Menu that shows you the msec value and sliders for the receiver inputs - for info, not calibrated
vii)Output Sliders Menu that shows you the msec value and sliders for the motor/servo outputs - for info, not calibrated
v) Acc Bubble Level Menu for accelerometers
vi) Gyro Bubble Level Menu for gyros (could be good for dynamic balancing)
vii)Added support for Spektrum (R) Satellite and clones (See note below)
Changes in operation:
i) Defaults to AUX for Self Level On/Off
ii) All mixing resets to zero when you do a factory reset so you have to select a motor layout
iii)Changed default stick scaling and default P&I gains for default MPU6050 settings
Supports Spektrum(R) satellite with Tarot cable
Tested with Spektrum AR7/8000 DSM2 satellite and Orange R100 Satellite
Only supports 10 bit with all data in 1 frame
Only supports 7 channels
Uses Throttle input for Tarot cable
Hold buttons 2&3 on power up to enter binding mode
If you switch between CPPM, Sat or normal receivers, power cycle the KK2.1
Debug lists 16 frame bytes from satellite - you'll know if there are 2 frames of data (so bind again).
KK2.1 Settings: -
You will need to set "Sat or CPPM" to "Yes" in Mode Settings
You will need to assign the channels correctly in Sat-CPPM Channels as A=2,E=3,T=1,R=4,Aux=5
Many thanks to David Thompson of OpenAero(2) fame