//#define MINTHROTTLE 1300 // for Turnigy Plush ESCs 10A
//#define MINTHROTTLE 1120 // for Super Simple ESCs 10A
//#define MINTHROTTLE 1220
#define MINTHROTTLE 1150
//#define GIMBAL
//#define BI
//#define TRI
//#define QUADP
#define QUADX
//#define Y4
//#define Y6
//#define HEX6
//#define HEX6X
//#define OCTOX8
//#define OCTOFLATP
//#define OCTOFLATX
//#define FLYING_WING //experimental
#define YAW_DIRECTION 1 // if you want to reverse the yaw correction direction
//#define YAW_DIRECTION -1
//#define I2C_SPEED 100000L
#define I2C_SPEED 400000L
//enable internal I2C pull ups
#define CRIUS_SE
//#define TRUSTED_ACCZ
//#define A0_A1_PIN_HEX
//#define RCAUXPIN8
//#define RCAUXPIN12
//#define STAB_OLD_17
//#define GPS
//#define GPS_SERIAL Serial3 // should be Serial2 for flyduino v2
//#define GPS_BAUD 4800
//#define GPS_BAUD 9600
//#define LEVEL_PDF
//#define DEADBAND 6
/* if you use a specific sensor board:
please submit any correction to this list.
Note from Alex: I only own some boards
for other boards, I'm not sure, the info was gathered via rc forums, be cautious */
//#define FFIMUv1 // first 9DOF+baro board from Jussi, with HMC5843 <- confirmed by Alex
//#define FFIMUv2 // second version of 9DOF+baro board from Jussi, with HMC5883 <- confirmed by Alex
//#define FREEIMUv1 // v0.1 & v0.2 & v0.3 version of 9DOF board from Fabio
//#define FREEIMUv03 // FreeIMU v0.3 and v0.3.1
//#define FREEIMUv035 // FreeIMU v0.3.5 no baro
//#define FREEIMUv035_MS // FreeIMU v0.3.5_MS <- confirmed by Alex
//#define FREEIMUv035_BMP // FreeIMU v0.3.5_BMP
//#define PIPO // 9DOF board from erazz
//#define QUADRINO // full FC board 9DOF+baro board from witespy with BMP085 baro <- confirmed by Alex
//#define QUADRINO_ZOOM // full FC board 9DOF+baro board from witespy second edition <- confirmed by Alex
//#define ALLINONE // full FC board or standalone 9DOF+baro board from CSG_EU
//#define ATAVRSBIN1 // Atmel 9DOF (Contribution by EOSBandi). requires 3.3V power.
//#define SIRIUS // Sirius Navigator IMU <- confirmed by Alex
//#define SIRIUS600 // Sirius Navigator IMU using the WMP for the gyro
//#define MINIWII // Jussi's MiniWii Flight Controller
//#define CITRUSv1_0 // CITRUSv1 from qcrc.ca
//#define DROTEK_IMU10DOF
//if you use independent sensors
//leave it commented it you already checked a specific board above
/* I2C gyroscope */
//#define ITG3200
//#define L3G4200D
/* I2C accelerometer */
//#define ADXL345
//#define BMA020
//#define BMA180
//#define NUNCHACK // if you want to use the nunckuk as a standalone I2C ACC without WMP
//#define LIS3LV02
//#define LSM303DLx_ACC
/* I2C barometer */
//#define BMP085
//#define MS561101BA
/* I2C magnetometer */
//#define HMC5843
//#define HMC5883
//#define AK8975
/* ADC accelerometer */ // for 5DOF from sparkfun, uses analog PIN A1/A2/A3
//#define ADCACC
//#define ITG3200_LPF_256HZ // This is the default setting, no need to uncomment, just for reference
//#define ITG3200_LPF_188HZ
//#define ITG3200_LPF_98HZ
//#define ITG3200_LPF_42HZ
//#define ITG3200_LPF_20HZ
//#define ITG3200_LPF_10HZ // Use this only in extreme cases, rather change motors and/or props
//#define SPEKTRUM 1024
//#define SPEKTRUM 2048
//#define SBUS
/* Failsave settings - added by MIS
Failsafe check pulse on THROTTLE channel. If the pulse is OFF (on only THROTTLE or on all channels) the failsafe procedure is initiated.
#define FAILSAFE // Alex: comment this line if you want to deactivate the failsafe function
#define FAILSAVE_DELAY 10 // Guard time for failsafe activation after signal lost. 1 step = 0.1sec - 1sec in example
#define FAILSAVE_OFF_DELAY 200 // Time for Landing before motors stop in 0.1sec. 1 step = 0.1sec - 20sec in example
#define FAILSAVE_THR0TTLE (MINTHROTTLE + 200) // Throttle level used for landing - may be relative to MINTHROTTLE - as in this case
//#define BTSERIAL
//#define SERVO_TILT
#define TILT_PITCH_MIN 1020 //servo travel min, don't set it below 1020
#define TILT_PITCH_MAX 2000 //servo travel max, max value=2000
#define TILT_PITCH_MIDDLE 1500 //servo neutral value
#define TILT_PITCH_PROP 10 //servo proportional (tied to angle) ; can be negative to invert movement
#define TILT_ROLL_MIN 1020
#define TILT_ROLL_MAX 2000
#define TILT_ROLL_MIDDLE 1500
#define TILT_ROLL_PROP 10
#define VBAT // comment this line to suppress the vbat code
#define VBATSCALE 131 // change this value if readed Battery voltage is different than real voltage
#define VBATLEVEL1_3S 107 // 10,7V
#define VBATLEVEL2_3S 103 // 10,3V
#define VBATLEVEL3_3S 99 // 9.9V
#define NO_VBAT 16 // Avoid beeping without any battery
#define NEUTRALIZE_DELAY 100000
#define MINCOMMAND 1000
#define MAXTHROTTLE 1850
#define SERIAL_COM_SPEED 115200
#define LCD_CONF
//#define LCD_ETPP
//#define LCD_TEXTSTAR
//#define MOTOR_STOP
#define MIDRC 1500
//#define CAMTRIG
#define CAM_SERVO_HIGH 2000 // the position of HIGH state servo
#define CAM_SERVO_LOW 1020 // the position of LOW state servo
#define CAM_TIME_HIGH 1000 // the duration of HIGH state servo expressed in ms
#define CAM_TIME_LOW 1000 // the duration of LOW state servo expressed in ms
#define TRI_YAW_MIDDLE 1500
#define PITCH_DIRECTION_L 1 // left servo - pitch orientation
#define PITCH_DIRECTION_R -1 // right servo - pitch orientation (opposite sign to PITCH_DIRECTION_L, if servos are mounted in mirrored orientation)
#define ROLL_DIRECTION_L 1 // left servo - roll orientation
#define ROLL_DIRECTION_R 1 // right servo - roll orientation (same sign as ROLL_DIRECTION_L, if servos are mounted in mirrored orientation)
#define WING_LEFT_MID 1500 // left servo center pos. - use this for trim
#define WING_RIGHT_MID 1500 // right servo center pos. - use this for trim
#define WING_LEFT_MIN 1020 // limit servo travel range must be inside [1020;2000]
#define WING_LEFT_MAX 2000 // limit servo travel range must be inside [1020;2000]
#define WING_RIGHT_MIN 1020 // limit servo travel range must be inside [1020;2000]
#define WING_RIGHT_MAX 2000 // limit servo travel range must be inside [1020;2000]
//#define POWERMETER 1
//#define POWERMETER 2
/* the sum of all powermeters ranges from [0:60000 e4] theoretically. */
/* the alarm level from eeprom is out of [0:255], so we multipy alarm level with PLEVELSCALE and with 1e4 before comparing */
/* PLEVELSCALE is the step size you can use to set alarm */
#define PLEVELSCALE 50 // if you change this value for other granularity, you must search for comments in code to change accordingly
/* larger PLEVELDIV will get you smaller value for power (mAh equivalent) */
#define PLEVELDIV 10000 // default for soft - if you lower PLEVELDIV, beware of overrun in uint32 pMeter
#define PLEVELDIVSOFT PLEVELDIV // for soft always equal to PLEVELDIV; for hard set to 10000
//#define PLEVELDIV 1361L // to convert the sum into mAh divide by this value
/* amploc 25A sensor has 37mV/A */
/* arduino analog resolution is 4.9mV per unit; units from [0..1023] */
/* sampling rate 20ms, approx 19977 micro seconds */
/* PLEVELDIV = 37 / 4.9 * 10e6 / 19977 * 3600 / 1000 = 1361L */
/* set to analogRead() value for zero current */
#define PSENSORNULL 510 // for I=0A my sensor gives 1/2 Vss; that is approx 2.49Volt
#define PINT2mA 13 // for telemtry display: one integer step on arduino analog translates to mA (example 4.9 / 37 * 100
/* to monitor system values (battery level, loop time etc. with LCD enable this */
/* note: for now you must send single characters 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' to request 4 different pages */
/* Buttons toggle request for page on/off */
/* The active page on the LCD does get updated automatically */
/* Easy to use with Terminal application or Textstar LCD - the 4 buttons are preconfigured to send 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' */
/* The value represents the refresh interval in cpu time (micro seconds) */
//#define LCD_TELEMETRY 100011
/* to enable automatic hopping between 4 telemetry pages uncomment this. */
/* This may be useful if your LCD has no buttons or the sending is broken */
/* hopping is activated and deactivated in unarmed mode with throttle=low & roll=left & pitch=forward */
/* The value represents the hopping interval in cpu time (micro seconds) */
//#define LCD_TELEMETRY_AUTO 2000123
/* on telemetry page B it gives a bar graph which shows how much voltage battery has left. Range from 0 to 12 Volt is not very informative */
/* so we try do define a meaningful part. For a 3S battery we define full=12,6V and calculate how much it is above first warning level */
/* Example: 12.6V - VBATLEVEL1_3S (for me = 126 - 102 = 24) */
#define VBATREF 24
/* to log values like max loop time and others to come */
/* logging values are visible via LCD config */
//#define LOG_VALUES
//****** end of advanced users settings *************
//if you want to change to orientation of individual sensor
//#define ACC_ORIENTATION(X, Y, Z) {accADC[ROLL] = Y; accADC[PITCH] = -X; accADC[YAW] = Z;}
//#define GYRO_ORIENTATION(X, Y, Z) {gyroADC[ROLL] = -Y; gyroADC[PITCH] = X; gyroADC[YAW] = Z;}
//#define MAG_ORIENTATION(X, Y, Z) {magADC[ROLL] = X; magADC[PITCH] = Y; magADC[YAW] = Z;}