New FW for the KK2.
1: Removed: LCD contrast adjustment: Not necessary.
2: Removed: "I of PI" on/off mode: No practical use found.
3: Removed: I part of self-level: Does not work with slow reacting ACC.
4: Changed: default gains to 50/50/50 (roll/pitch/yaw) P-term, and 25, 25, 50 I-term.
5: Added: beep (short beep, 2 sec delay) when armed and throttle closed, for extra safety. Makes the KK2 a bit more noisy when armed so the user does not forget it is armed.
6: Added: longer arm/disarm beep.
7: Added: ACC trim. Use it to adjust self-level attitude, no need to recalibrate sensors. Adjust in "Self-level Settings" menu.
8: Added: factory reset.
9: Added: status messages on the "SAFE" screen. The KK2 will not arm unless it says "OK.". Error messages can only be reset by cycling the power, except for the "sensors not calibrated" message, which is reset after a successful sensor calibration. Error messages include lost RX connection.
10: Bug fix: wrong offset in flying wing mix table.
11: Changed: doubled self-level stick response. Let you have more control in self-level mode.
12: Added: CPPM (sum PPM) mode. Turned on/off in "Mode Settings" menu. Also the assignments of the CPPM channels can be changed in "CPPM Settings".
13: Added: Y4 and V-tail layout.
14: Added: shows battery voltage on the "SAFE" screen.
15: Added: lost aircraft alarm. Starts to beep (1 sec on and 4 sec off) after 30min of no activity (arm/disarm).
16: Added: LP filter on servo outputs. Adjust in "Misc. Settings". A good start value is 50.
17: Added: auto-disarm. The KK2 will disarm itself after 20 sec if throttle is at idle. For extra safety. Can be turned on/off in "Mode Settings" menu.
Download it below. You only need the "kk2.hex" file. The source is also included, with a license.
(At least throw a blanket over the propellers if you are to lazy. )
Also check for correct operation before mounting the propellers.
Note that all settings is returned to default.
Have fun!