Hi Hexacop
I didn't think my expectations were that high, it`s not like I`m trying it on a 3D Heli like the Yun-1 boys did
The gimbal is really well balanced, no problems there.
I`m using the 16mm pancake lens.
I will repeat the advanced calibration, good tip with the cube, never thought of that, I`ve been using a bubble level with IMU on the gimbal with power at zero for the motors, good tip !
I will also try the foam, another good tip thanks
I have your PID`s loaded as well, with motor at 120 and 50 as yours were, I will drop the motor power to 100 and 50 as well.
You didn't mention my P values on the video, do you think they are around where they should be or higher ?
Thanks for your help