Noch ein NEX 5 Alu Gimbal

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Deshalb steht auch in der Beschreibung für den Konverter nur 5N und nicht 5R
Aber selbst wenn ich den Konverter zusätzlich mit 5V versorge, geht er nicht. Denke er geht wirklich nur mit der 5N
Dann kommt er eben in den Basar.


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Welche Version du hast, steht unten auf der Kamera drauf.

Werde mal eine Weile den von Amazon nutzen. Der ist aus dem Gehäuse draussen, was mir aber nicht gefällt ist das sperrige Kabel.


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Wenn ich mir mal die Kabelbelegung anschaue bei HDMI, sehe ich an Port 18 und 19 die 5V, aber nur maximal 50mA. Denke der Konverter braucht mehr.


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Das ist übrigens das CX730 Gimbal, hier in der 3 Achsen Ausführung:

und ein Video von gestern vom im Bau befindlichen Windkraftwerk Etzenhausen,
mit dem CX730 Gimbal, die CX730 Stabi ist auf Standard=Stativ Einstellung
Dazwischen sind ein paar ganz kurze Szenen vom Vortag wo ich mit dem Quad / NEX geflogen bin nachdem ich die Propeller getauscht hatte ohne die PID Werte zu ändern und ohne den Kopter vorher zu testen. Jedenfalls hat sich der Quad dermaßen geschüttelt das ich die NEX Aufnahmen nicht nutzen konnte.
Video ist komplett unbearbeitet, bis auf Vertonung und Farbkorrekturen.


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Hi guys, still having problems here, I have posted below a quick test flight today to try PID`s

KamKop gimbal and dampeners
Nex 5N
Low quality - Just because its a demo vid

I have included the PID`s from this flight at the start of the video, I was going to flip to profile 2 which was Hexacopters PID`s but the gimbal went dead, when I got home profile 2 was blank for some reason. I have flashed Hexacopters PID`s for tomorrow though to show as well.

With the Hexacopter PID`s though whats happening is the gimbal starts vibrating mid flight, but does not have the yaw issue you can see in the video.

Any help or pointers would be great as I am having twitching in flight, horizon loss in yaw maneuvers and I`m fresh out of ideas what to do now.

All the maneuvers in the video are needed for my recordings because I am due to film some drift cars at a local competition soon, so fast forward flight is required, horizon hold in yaw etc


Again, any help gratefully received because I`m stuck to what to do now


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in my experience, the yaw issue is because of I on roll is to low, also the Power.
also, you pay the increase of both with more Jittering-vibrating. This can also be a problem of the dampeners, means, you have to change them, or more strengthen them.
thats, as i said, only my experience, without very good solution to that.


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Hi guys, still having problems here, I have posted below a quick test flight today to try PID`s
Hi Cayote,
seems you have a high expectation on the BL gimbal as you want to use it for dynamic flights.
Few observations:
1. the power is a little high, usually my power setting for the pitch motor is ~50 and power for the roll motor is <100, so I would decrease the power
2. I would increase D until you get rid of vibrations
3. I don't see which lens you are using, but it is essential to mount the camera precisely in the center of gravity in all 3 axes. How ever you turn the camera, it should not flip back (I mean when power is disconnected)
4. Redo the advanced calibration, best is to remove the sensor from the gimbal and do a perfect calibration, you may use a cube to position the sensor.
5. To make the dampers work for dynamic flights you should insert some foam between the frame and the mounting plate of the dampers. This will keep the damper under some pressure. Do not insert too much foam, little pressure will help!


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Hi Hexacop

I didn't think my expectations were that high, it`s not like I`m trying it on a 3D Heli like the Yun-1 boys did :)

The gimbal is really well balanced, no problems there.

I`m using the 16mm pancake lens.

I will repeat the advanced calibration, good tip with the cube, never thought of that, I`ve been using a bubble level with IMU on the gimbal with power at zero for the motors, good tip ! :)

I will also try the foam, another good tip thanks

I have your PID`s loaded as well, with motor at 120 and 50 as yours were, I will drop the motor power to 100 and 50 as well.

You didn't mention my P values on the video, do you think they are around where they should be or higher ?

Thanks for your help


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Hi Cayote,
I've talked to Peter (kamkop) and he will provide an update for the dampers to keep them under pressure for dynamic flights. You can either send them back or if you are able to open them you could make the modification your self, after Peter is sending you the additional parts. To open the dampers you need to remove the retaining ring and therefore a special tool is needed. Please contact Peter, referring this conversation.
Sorry... Doppelpost... Deshalb gelöscht
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
So... Jetzt auch ich

Hallo Leute,

nachdem ich hier eine Zeit lang mitgelesen habe und Ihr mir den Mund wässrig gemacht habt, habe ich nun gestern endlich auch das Gimbal und das Alexmos Board bestellt. Ich kann's gar nicht abwarten bis alles hier ist und ich es ausprobieren kann. Da ich in Sachen Gimbal ein Dummie bin hoffe ich schon jetzt auf Eure tatkräftige Unterstützung wenn Probleme auftauchen sollten ;-)

Gruß Martin


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Hi Cayote,
I've talked to Peter (kamkop) and he will provide an update for the dampers to keep them under pressure for dynamic flights. You can either send them back or if you are able to open them you could make the modification your self, after Peter is sending you the additional parts. To open the dampers you need to remove the retaining ring and therefore a special tool is needed. Please contact Peter, referring this conversation.
Hello Hexacop, thanks very much, yes I have a split ring tool s I can do this myself no problem

Here is a flight from this morning ( 5am yes I`m dedicated lol ) with foam added to put pressure ( You can see the blue foam when the gimbal lets go and points up ) on the dampeners, this was however pointless as you will see to gauge any results from.

This flight was with your PID`s, the PID`s are at the beginning, with dropped motor power, as you will see, it really isnt working at all :(

Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.


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