Hi zusammen,
ich hatte das schon im Sammelthread gepostet, aber ich weiß nicht, ob es nicht thematisch besser hier rein passt:
ich hatte mir noch einen Controller von einem deutschen Händler gekauft inkl. Sensor. Soll ein Martinez 3.1 sein
Wenn ich die 048 aufspiele klappt das, wenn ich aber versuche die aktuelle 049er aufzuspielen kommt vom Arduino Prog folgende Fehlermeldung
IMU:44: error: variable or field 'readACC' declared void
IMU:44: error: 'axisDef' was not declared in this scope
IMU.ino: In function 'void initSensorOrientationDefault()':
IMU:40: error: 'sensorDef' was not declared in this scope
IMU:40: error: 'ROLL' was not declared in this scope
IMU:41: error: 'PITCH' was not declared in this scope
IMU:42: error: 'YAW' was not declared in this scope
IMU.ino: In function 'void initSensorOrientation()':
IMU:85: error: 'config' was not declared in this scope
IMU:87: error: 'sensorDef' was not declared in this scope
IMU:87: error: 'YAW' was not declared in this scope
IMU:88: error: 'ROLL' was not declared in this scope
IMU:89: error: 'PITCH' was not declared in this scope
IMU:92: error: 'config' was not declared in this scope
IMU:94: error: 'sensorDef' was not declared in this scope
IMU:94: error: 'ROLL' was not declared in this scope
IMU:94: error: 'PITCH' was not declared in this scope
IMU.ino: In function 'void setACCFastMode(bool)':
IMU:104: error: 'AccComplFilterConst' was not declared in this scope
IMU:104: error: 'DT_FLOAT' was not declared in this scope
IMU:106: error: 'AccComplFilterConst' was not declared in this scope
IMU:106: error: 'DT_FLOAT' was not declared in this scope
IMU:106: error: 'config' was not declared in this scope
IMU.ino: In function 'void initIMU()':
IMU:114: error: 'gyroScale' was not declared in this scope
IMU:114: error: 'resolutionDevider' was not declared in this scope
IMU:119: error: 'EstG' was not declared in this scope
IMU.ino: In function 'void rotateV(fp_vector*, float*)':
IMU:128: error: variable 'fp_vector v_tmp' has initializer but incomplete type
IMU:129: error: invalid use of incomplete type 'struct fp_vector'
IMU:42: error: forward declaration of 'struct fp_vector'
IMU:129: error: 'ROLL' was not declared in this scope
IMU:129: error: 'PITCH' was not declared in this scope
IMU:130: error: invalid use of incomplete type 'struct fp_vector'
IMU:42: error: forward declaration of 'struct fp_vector'
IMU:130: error: 'YAW' was not declared in this scope
IMU:131: error: invalid use of incomplete type 'struct fp_vector'
IMU:42: error: forward declaration of 'struct fp_vector'
IMU.ino: In function 'void readGyros()':
IMU:140: error: 'mpu' was not declared in this scope
IMU:141: error: 'sensorDef' was not declared in this scope
IMU:142: error: 'gyroADC' was not declared in this scope
IMU:142: error: 'ROLL' was not declared in this scope
IMU:142: error: 'gyroOffset' was not declared in this scope
IMU:146: error: 'PITCH' was not declared in this scope
IMU:150: error: 'YAW' was not declared in this scope
IMU.ino: At global scope:
IMU:155: error: variable or field 'readACC' declared void
IMU:155: error: 'axisDef' was not declared in this scope
IMU.ino: In function 'void updateGyroAttitude()':
IMU:172: error: 'gyroADC' was not declared in this scope
IMU:172: error: 'gyroScale' was not declared in this scope
IMU:172: error: 'DT_FLOAT' was not declared in this scope
IMU:175: error: 'EstG' was not declared in this scope
IMU.ino: In function 'void updateACC()':
IMU:183: error: 'accLPF' was not declared in this scope
IMU:183: error: 'accADC' was not declared in this scope
IMU:184: error: 'accSmooth' was not declared in this scope
IMU:185: error: 'accMag' was not declared in this scope
IMU:191: error: 'accMag' was not declared in this scope
IMU:196: error: 'accSmooth' was not declared in this scope
IMU:196: error: 'ROLL' was not declared in this scope
IMU:196: error: 'acc_25deg' was not declared in this scope
IMU:196: error: 'PITCH' was not declared in this scope
IMU:196: error: 'YAW' was not declared in this scope
IMU:197: error: 'flags' was not declared in this scope
IMU:199: error: 'flags' was not declared in this scope
IMU.ino: In function 'void updateACCAttitude()':
IMU:212: error: 'accMag' was not declared in this scope
IMU:212: error: 'flags' was not declared in this scope
IMU:214: error: 'accSmooth' was not declared in this scope
IMU:215: error: 'EstG' was not declared in this scope
IMU:215: error: 'AccComplFilterConst' was not declared in this scope
IMU.ino: In function 'void getAttiduteAngles()':
IMU:226: error: 'angle' was not declared in this scope
IMU:226: error: 'ROLL' was not declared in this scope
IMU:226: error: 'config' was not declared in this scope
IMU:226: error: 'EstG' was not declared in this scope
IMU:226: error: 'Rajan_FastArcTan2_deg1000' was not declared in this scope
IMU:229: error: 'PITCH' was not declared in this scope
_BruGi.ino: In function 'void loop()':
_BruGi:275: error: 'readACC' was not declared in this scope
Der Händler meinte der "Jumper", der da komisch verlötet ist, hätte damit nichts zu tun. Jedes Board würde getestet und mit einem Bootloader versehen. Naja die 48er hat er ja auch angenommen...
Anhang anzeigen 61108
Der Sensor ist noch nicht angeschlossen - was bei der 048 auch egal ist. Weiß jemand, wo der Fehler liegt? Oder kann es sein, dass das Board im Eimer ist?
ich hatte das schon im Sammelthread gepostet, aber ich weiß nicht, ob es nicht thematisch besser hier rein passt:
ich hatte mir noch einen Controller von einem deutschen Händler gekauft inkl. Sensor. Soll ein Martinez 3.1 sein
Wenn ich die 048 aufspiele klappt das, wenn ich aber versuche die aktuelle 049er aufzuspielen kommt vom Arduino Prog folgende Fehlermeldung
IMU:44: error: variable or field 'readACC' declared void
IMU:44: error: 'axisDef' was not declared in this scope
IMU.ino: In function 'void initSensorOrientationDefault()':
IMU:40: error: 'sensorDef' was not declared in this scope
IMU:40: error: 'ROLL' was not declared in this scope
IMU:41: error: 'PITCH' was not declared in this scope
IMU:42: error: 'YAW' was not declared in this scope
IMU.ino: In function 'void initSensorOrientation()':
IMU:85: error: 'config' was not declared in this scope
IMU:87: error: 'sensorDef' was not declared in this scope
IMU:87: error: 'YAW' was not declared in this scope
IMU:88: error: 'ROLL' was not declared in this scope
IMU:89: error: 'PITCH' was not declared in this scope
IMU:92: error: 'config' was not declared in this scope
IMU:94: error: 'sensorDef' was not declared in this scope
IMU:94: error: 'ROLL' was not declared in this scope
IMU:94: error: 'PITCH' was not declared in this scope
IMU.ino: In function 'void setACCFastMode(bool)':
IMU:104: error: 'AccComplFilterConst' was not declared in this scope
IMU:104: error: 'DT_FLOAT' was not declared in this scope
IMU:106: error: 'AccComplFilterConst' was not declared in this scope
IMU:106: error: 'DT_FLOAT' was not declared in this scope
IMU:106: error: 'config' was not declared in this scope
IMU.ino: In function 'void initIMU()':
IMU:114: error: 'gyroScale' was not declared in this scope
IMU:114: error: 'resolutionDevider' was not declared in this scope
IMU:119: error: 'EstG' was not declared in this scope
IMU.ino: In function 'void rotateV(fp_vector*, float*)':
IMU:128: error: variable 'fp_vector v_tmp' has initializer but incomplete type
IMU:129: error: invalid use of incomplete type 'struct fp_vector'
IMU:42: error: forward declaration of 'struct fp_vector'
IMU:129: error: 'ROLL' was not declared in this scope
IMU:129: error: 'PITCH' was not declared in this scope
IMU:130: error: invalid use of incomplete type 'struct fp_vector'
IMU:42: error: forward declaration of 'struct fp_vector'
IMU:130: error: 'YAW' was not declared in this scope
IMU:131: error: invalid use of incomplete type 'struct fp_vector'
IMU:42: error: forward declaration of 'struct fp_vector'
IMU.ino: In function 'void readGyros()':
IMU:140: error: 'mpu' was not declared in this scope
IMU:141: error: 'sensorDef' was not declared in this scope
IMU:142: error: 'gyroADC' was not declared in this scope
IMU:142: error: 'ROLL' was not declared in this scope
IMU:142: error: 'gyroOffset' was not declared in this scope
IMU:146: error: 'PITCH' was not declared in this scope
IMU:150: error: 'YAW' was not declared in this scope
IMU.ino: At global scope:
IMU:155: error: variable or field 'readACC' declared void
IMU:155: error: 'axisDef' was not declared in this scope
IMU.ino: In function 'void updateGyroAttitude()':
IMU:172: error: 'gyroADC' was not declared in this scope
IMU:172: error: 'gyroScale' was not declared in this scope
IMU:172: error: 'DT_FLOAT' was not declared in this scope
IMU:175: error: 'EstG' was not declared in this scope
IMU.ino: In function 'void updateACC()':
IMU:183: error: 'accLPF' was not declared in this scope
IMU:183: error: 'accADC' was not declared in this scope
IMU:184: error: 'accSmooth' was not declared in this scope
IMU:185: error: 'accMag' was not declared in this scope
IMU:191: error: 'accMag' was not declared in this scope
IMU:196: error: 'accSmooth' was not declared in this scope
IMU:196: error: 'ROLL' was not declared in this scope
IMU:196: error: 'acc_25deg' was not declared in this scope
IMU:196: error: 'PITCH' was not declared in this scope
IMU:196: error: 'YAW' was not declared in this scope
IMU:197: error: 'flags' was not declared in this scope
IMU:199: error: 'flags' was not declared in this scope
IMU.ino: In function 'void updateACCAttitude()':
IMU:212: error: 'accMag' was not declared in this scope
IMU:212: error: 'flags' was not declared in this scope
IMU:214: error: 'accSmooth' was not declared in this scope
IMU:215: error: 'EstG' was not declared in this scope
IMU:215: error: 'AccComplFilterConst' was not declared in this scope
IMU.ino: In function 'void getAttiduteAngles()':
IMU:226: error: 'angle' was not declared in this scope
IMU:226: error: 'ROLL' was not declared in this scope
IMU:226: error: 'config' was not declared in this scope
IMU:226: error: 'EstG' was not declared in this scope
IMU:226: error: 'Rajan_FastArcTan2_deg1000' was not declared in this scope
IMU:229: error: 'PITCH' was not declared in this scope
_BruGi.ino: In function 'void loop()':
_BruGi:275: error: 'readACC' was not declared in this scope
Der Händler meinte der "Jumper", der da komisch verlötet ist, hätte damit nichts zu tun. Jedes Board würde getestet und mit einem Bootloader versehen. Naja die 48er hat er ja auch angenommen...
Anhang anzeigen 61108
Der Sensor ist noch nicht angeschlossen - was bei der 048 auch egal ist. Weiß jemand, wo der Fehler liegt? Oder kann es sein, dass das Board im Eimer ist?