//In this section you can configure the telemetry.
//If you do not plan using the telemetry comment this global setting using "//" and skip to the next section.
//Comment to invert the polarity of the output telemetry serial signal.
//This function takes quite some flash space and processor power on an atmega.
//For OpenTX it must be uncommented.
//On a 9XR_PRO running ersky9x both commented and uncommented will work depending on the radio setting Invert COM1 under the Telemetry menu.
//On other addon/replacement boards like the 9xtreme board or the Ar9x board running ersky9x, you need to uncomment the line below.
//For er9x it depends if you have an inveter mod or not on the telemetry pin. If you don't have an inverter comment this line.
//Comment if you don't want to send Multi status telemetry frames (Protocol available, Bind in progress, version...)
//Use with er9x/erksy9x, for OpenTX MULTI_TELEMETRY below is preferred instead
//#define MULTI_STATUS
//Uncomment to send Multi status and allow OpenTX to autodetect the telemetry format
//Supported by OpenTX version 2.2 RC9 and newer. NOT supported by er9x/ersky9x use MULTI_STATUS instead.
//Comment a line to disable a specific protocol telemetry
#define DSM_TELEMETRY // Forward received telemetry packet directly to TX to be decoded
#define SPORT_TELEMETRY // Use FrSkyX SPORT format to send telemetry to TX
#define AFHDS2A_FW_TELEMETRY // Forward received telemetry packet directly to TX to be decoded
#define HUB_TELEMETRY // Use FrSkyD Hub format to send telemetry to TX
#define AFHDS2A_HUB_TELEMETRY // Use FrSkyD Hub format to send telemetry to TX
#define BAYANG_HUB_TELEMETRY // Use FrSkyD Hub format to send telemetry to TX
#define HUBSAN_HUB_TELEMETRY // Use FrSkyD Hub format to send telemetry to TX