Bei mir gibts jetzt auch schon seit längerem nichts Neues:
Destination Country - Germany:Tracking Consuming:0 Millisecond, Cache Time:2014/05/17 06:38:27
2014-05-02 09:51, --, The shipment will be transported to the destination country and, from there, handed over to the delivery organization. (Homepage / online shipment tracking: )
Origin Country - Sweden:Tracking Consuming:0 Millisecond, Cache Time:2014/05/17 06:38:27
2014-05-02 09:51, Order departed from sorting hub
2014-05-02 00:00, Posten, Direct Link, Singapore, The item has been dispatched from Sweden Post, Direct Link's international terminal for onward transport abroad.
2014-04-29 18:00, Order departed on flight from origin
2014-04-29 10:00, Order dispatched
2014-04-25 18:00, Order Shipment recorded
=> Bis heute immernoch nichts da, Order war am 21.04. - Schade... Support antwortet auch überhaupt nicht...
Destination Country - Germany:Tracking Consuming:0 Millisecond, Cache Time:2014/05/17 06:38:27
2014-05-02 09:51, --, The shipment will be transported to the destination country and, from there, handed over to the delivery organization. (Homepage / online shipment tracking: )
Origin Country - Sweden:Tracking Consuming:0 Millisecond, Cache Time:2014/05/17 06:38:27
2014-05-02 09:51, Order departed from sorting hub
2014-05-02 00:00, Posten, Direct Link, Singapore, The item has been dispatched from Sweden Post, Direct Link's international terminal for onward transport abroad.
2014-04-29 18:00, Order departed on flight from origin
2014-04-29 10:00, Order dispatched
2014-04-25 18:00, Order Shipment recorded
=> Bis heute immernoch nichts da, Order war am 21.04. - Schade... Support antwortet auch überhaupt nicht...