EZ-Wifibroadcast 1.5
EZ-Wifibroadcast 1.5 ist endlich fertig.
(Vorsicht, free file hoster, am besten nur mit Adblocker besuchen, Mirror links kommen später ..)
- New feature: Bi-directional Mavlink telemetry support (both over wbc and external devices e.g. 3DR dongles or LRS with telemetry) (untested!)
- New feature: Telemetry output on Rx Pi serialport for antenna tracker etc.
- New feature: RSSI forwarding to FP_VR android app
- New feature: RTP video stream forwarding to allow video display in Tower app and QGroundControl app
- New feature: R/C RSSI and lost packets display added to OSD
- New feature: CTS protection mode (only for Atheros), improves link quality in environments with wifi interference
- New feature: Telemetry logging to textfile for later review and debugging
- New feature: OSD text size can be scaled now, outlines can be disabled for better readability on low-res displays
- New feature: OSD: GPS/Baro altitude and groundspeed/airspeed can be configured (untested!)
- New feature: Transmit power for Atheros cards can be set in /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k_hw.conf now (thanks to eosbandi)
- Bugfix: Typo in OSD frsky telemetry parser
- Bugfix: Wifihotspot would not work when USB memory stick plugged during boot-up
- Bugfix: Wifihotspot 2.4GHz Channels 12 and 13 did not work
- Cleaned up OSD/telemetry configuration, no more configuring blocksize etc.
- Uplink, dual tx mode and R/C link functionality re-written and improved (untested!)
- Configuration file clean-up, less options, easier to configure
- Wifi medium access timing changed (less agressive, may behave better in environments with wifi interference, untested though)