open360tracker - Der Community Antennentracker Made in Germany


Erfahrener Benutzer
Can you please make a pic where i can see vereything? :D

Also please show your arduino configuration. BTW please have a look at #define OFFSET 0 <-- there you can define the offset if the position of the tracker is wrong.
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Erfahrener Benutzer
arduino settings

#ifndef CONFIG_H
#define CONFIG_H

/* Config file
* created by Samuel Brucksch
//#define DEBUG

/* MPU6050 config
* If multiwii board uses an MPU6050 and compass is connected to its bypass port we need to enable this to configure the compass over the MPU6050
#define MPU6050

/** PID Values
#define P 5000 //default 2200
#define I 100 //default 280
#define D 1000 //default 20000

/* #### Protocol ####
* FRSKY_D -> D-Series
* FRSKY_X -> Taranis / XJT
* HOTT -> MX12, MX16 and all other HoTT transmitters with telemetry
* MFD -> MFD protocol will not work with local GPS!!!!
* MAVLINK -> Mavlink protocol (APM/Pixhawk/...)
#define MAVLINK

/* #### Baud Rate ####
* baud rate of telemetry input
* 9600 for FRSKY_D -> D-Series
* 57600 for FRSKY_X -> Taranis/XJT and MAVLINK
* 115200 for RVOSD (RVGS)
* ??? for HoTT
#define BAUD 9600

/* #### Tilt servo 0° adjustment ####
* Enter PWM value of Servo for pointing straight forward
#define TILT_0 1050

/* #### Tilt servo 90° adjustment ####
* Enter PWM value of Servo for pointing 90° up
#define TILT_90 2025

/* #### Pan servo 0° adjustment ####
* Enter PWM value of Servo for not moving
#define PAN_0 1470

/* #### Pan servo minimum required speed ####
* If the servo has problems to start a rotation when the speed is slow adjust this value until the tracker moves directly from each position
#define MIN_PAN_SPEED 50

/* #### Compass declination ####
* Enter your city and then get the value for Magnetic declination
* for example [Magnetic declination: 3° 2' EAST]
* now enter the value in the format DEGREE.MINUTE * 10 -> 3.2 * 10 = 32
* set to 0 if you cannot find your declination!

/* #### Compass offset ####
* If you did not mount your compass with the arrow pointing to the front you can set an offset here.
* Needs to be multiplied by 10 -> 90° = 900
* Range: 0 ... 3599
#define OFFSET 2700

/* #### DIY GPS / Fix Type ####
* If you use the diy GPS the fix type is transmitted with the satellites on Temp2. The value is calculated like this:
* Num of Sats: 7
* Fix Type: 3
* Value = Sats * 10 + Fix Type = 7*10 + 3 = 73
* If you use the native frsky gps or fixtype is not present comment to disable.
//#define DIY_GPS

#ifndef MFD
/* #### Ground GPS ####
* !!!!!!NOT SUPPORTED YET!!!!!!!
* needed for ground gps so home does not need to be manually set
* Types:
* UBX not implemented yet
* does not work when in MFD mode
#define LOCAL_GPS
#define MTK
#define GPS_BAUDRATE 38400

/* #### Tracker Setup ####
* Start tracking when plane is XXX m away from tracker
* It is recommended to start tracking only if plane moved a few meters already. Default: 10m

/* ### LCD Display ###
* Uncomment to display data on LCD Display
* Please choose for the Display Type:
* I2C
* LCD Display is required for this.
* Requires modified LiquidCrystal library:

/* ### Battery monitoring ###
* Uncomment to monitor your Battery
* Voltage divider is required for this.
#define BATTERYMONITORING_CORRECTION 1.0 // default 1.0

/* #### Do not edit below this line */
#if TILT_0 < 800 || TILT_0 > 2200 || TILT_90 > 2200 || TILT_90 < 800
#error "Tilt servo range invalid. Must be between 800 and 2200."

#if OFFSET < 0 || OFFSET > 3599
#error "Offset invalid. Must be between 0 and 3599."



Erfahrener Benutzer
Tell me you would need to test FRSKY, I use a E9xr station and video FPV at 1.2 Ghz. but could put 5.8 also could send you a Openlrs equipment so you can do the test, tell me what station you use
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Erfahrener Benutzer
I can not find any faults in the OSD telemetry Mavlink Myflydream.
In the Arduino program I believe, expect the mavlink frames,

#include <Mavlink.h>

int32_t static p_lat = 0; // latitude
int32_t static p_lon = 0; // longitude
int32_t static p_alt = 0; // altitude
int16_t static p_sats = 0; // Number of satellites
But myflydream not send the number of satellites, if the coordinates.

Do not know if this can influence not function.


Erfahrener Benutzer
Gentlemen ...... works perfectly. Hiaaaaaa. That emotion see moving the antenna towards the plane, of course I've had in land and close, unfortunately "murphy" is here, today it rains in Barcelona and I can not go outside, but I'm sure everything will go well. Rangarid never tire of saying thank you.


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