ich hatte das komplett verpennt - die lora fw ist verfügbar (seit anfang des monats) - abei der text + key
As promised in the latest live-stream, here's a quick release for LoRa on Tracer. There is a Long Range and a Freestyle mode which are running on 50Hz and 150Hz respectively.
This isn't a release that is ready for the public. This isn't a release that is trying to be high performance. It's simply something that we've been testing over the last few weeks and months, and people said "why don't you let us try it" and I didn't have a good excuse. So, here it is.
Agent key:
When inserting the key, do not delete the old ones, or it won't work. Each Agent needs a unique key (that's there from the start) in order for the custom keys to work. If you're using Agent X, the keys are comma-separated (without spaces in between). In Agent M, there's a "+" icon on the bottom right of the "Agent ID" settings page, and that allows you to insert new Agent keys. It can take a few minutes for the firmware list to refresh.
Works with Mambo and Tracer MicroTX, and all Tracer receivers.
I want to stress that this is a "use at your own risk" kind of thing. I don't foresee any problems, but please don't chase down my customer support guys for issues related to an alpha firmware. Please read the release notes for usage instructions.