das sind meine config´s
//ATTITUDE: ROLL GAINS [Start with changes of no more than 25% at a time]
//5-1 IMPORTANT!! Servo Gain values will be 100 times less than equivalent gains for ArduPilot 2.5
#define SERVO_ROLL_P .006 // Primary value to tune - overall proportional term determines how much rudder/aileron you use to turn
#define SERVO_ROLL_I .0 // roll PID integrator gain (value should generally be low)
#define SERVO_ROLL_D 0.0 // roll PID derivative gain (for advanced users - should be zero for most airframes)
#define SERVO_ROLL_INTEGRATOR_MAX 500 //Maximium integrator value in degrees * 100
#define ROLL_SLEW_LIMIT 0 // Use to limit slew rate of roll servo. If zero then slew rate is not limited
// Value is degree per second limit
//ATTITUDE: PITCH GAINS [Start with changes of no more than 25% at a time]
//6-1 IMPORTANT!! Servo Gain values will be 100 times less than equivalent gains for ArduPilot 2.5
#define SERVO_PITCH_P .006 // Pitch Proportional gain
#define SERVO_PITCH_I .0 // Pitch integrator gain (value should generally be low)
#define SERVO_PITCH_D 0.0 // Pitch derivative gain (for advanced users - should be zero for most airframes)
#define SERVO_PITCH_INTEGRATOR_MAX 500 //Maximum integrator value in degrees * 100
#define PITCH_COMP .07 //Pitch compensation vs. Roll bank angle.
// NOTE!! The implementation of pitch compensation has been changed.
// The optimal value for your airframe will likely differ between 2.5 and 2.6
//NAV: ROLL GAINS [Start with changes of no more than 25% at a time]
#define NAV_ROLL_P .6 // Primary value to tune - overall proportional term determines how aggressively we bank to change heading
#define NAV_ROLL_I .0 // roll PID integrator gain (value should generally be low)
#define NAV_ROLL_D 0.0 // roll PID derivative gain (for advanced users - should be zero for most airframes)
#define NAV_ROLL_INTEGRATOR_MAX 500 //Maximium integrator value in degrees * 100
//NAV: PITCH GAINS [Start with changes of no more than 25% at a time]
#define NAV_PITCH_P .65 // Overall proportional term determines how aggressively we change pitch to maintain airspeed
#define NAV_PITCH_I .0 // PID integrator gain (value should generally be low)
#define NAV_PITCH_D 0.0 // PID derivative gain (for advanced users - should be zero for most airframes)
#define NAV_PITCH_INTEGRATOR_MAX 500 //Maximium integrator value in degrees * 100
//ENERGY HEIGHT: THROTTLE OUTPUT GAINS [Start with changes of no more than 25% at a time]
#define THROTTLE_P .32 //Proportional
#define THROTTLE_I .04 //Integrator
#define THROTTLE_D 0.0 //Derivative
#define THROTTLE_INTEGRATOR_MAX 20 // (0-125) 70=50% Integrator limit.
#define THROTTLE_SLEW_LIMIT 0 // Use to limit slew rate of throttle output. If zero then slew rate is not limited
// Value is throttle value (0-125) per second limit
#define THROTTLE_FBW_P .32 //Proportional
#define THROTTLE_FBW_I .04 //Integrator
#define THROTTLE_FBW_D 0.0 //Derivative
#define THROTTLE_FBW_INTEGRATOR_MAX 20 // (0-125) 70=50% Integrator limit.
/* ArduPilot 2.6.2 Header file */
#define SHIELD_VERSION 1 // Old (red) shield versions is 0, the new (blue) shield version is 1, -1 = no shield
#define AIRSPEED_SENSOR 0 // (boolean) Do you have an airspeed sensor attached? 1= yes, 0 = no.
#define GPS_PROTOCOL 2 // 0 = NMEA, 1=SIRF, 2=uBlox, 3 = ArduIMU, 4 = MediaTek, 5 = Simulated GPS mode (Debug), -1 = no GPS
//0-4 Ground Control Station:
#define GCS_PROTOCOL 0 // 0 = Standard ArduPilot (LabVIEW/HappyKillmore), 1 = special test, 2 = Ardupilot Binary(not implemented), 5 = Jason's GCS, -1 = no GCS (no telemtry output)
//0-5 and 0-6 are for use with Thermopile sensors
#define ENABLE_Z_SENSOR 1 // 0 = no Z sensor, 1 = use Z sensor (no Z requires field calibration with each flight)
#define XY_SENSOR_LOCATION 0 //XY Thermopiles Sensor placement
//Mounted right side up: 0 = cable in front, 1 = cable behind
//Mounted upside down: 2 = cable in front, 3 = cable behind
#define BATTERY_EVENT 0 // (boolean) 0 = don't read battery, 1 = read battery voltage (only if you have it wired up!)
#define INPUT_VOLTAGE 5200.0 // (Millivolts) voltage your power regulator is feeding your ArduPilot to have an accurate pressure and battery level readings. (you need a multimeter to measure and set this of course)
#define THROTTLE_FAILSAFE 0 // Do you want to react to a throttle failsafe condition? Default is no 0, Yes is 1
#define THROTTLE_PIN 13 // pin 13, or pin 11 only (13 was old default, 11 is a better choice for most people)
// Flight Modes
// these Flight modes can be changed either here or directly in events.pde
#define POSITION_3 RTL
// So why isn't AUTO here by default? Well, please try and run Stabilize first,
// then FLY_BY_WIRE_A to verify you have good gains set up correctly
// before you try Auto and wreck your plane. I'll sleep better that way...
// FLY_BY_WIRE_A = manual throttle control,
// FLY_BY_WIRE_B = the throttle stick input controls desired airspeed.
// Fly By Wire B = Fly By Wire A if you have AIRSPEED_SENSOR 0
#define MIXING_MODE 0 //Servo mixing mode 0 = Normal, 1 = Elevons (or v tail)
#define REVERSE_ROLL -1 //To reverse roll, PUT -1 to reverse it
#define REVERSE_PITCH -1 //To reverse pitch, PUT -1 to reverse it
#define REVERSE_ELEVONS 1 // Use 1 for regular, -1 if you need to reverse roll direction
#define REVERSE_CH1_ELEVON -1 // To reverse channel 1 elevon servo, PUT -1 to reverse it
#define REVERSE_CH2_ELEVON 1 // To reverse channel 2 elevon servo, PUT -1 to reverse it
#define REVERSE_THROTTLE 0 // 0 = Normal mode. 1 = Reverse mode - Try and reverse throttle direction on your radio first, most ESC use low values for low throttle.
#define PITCH_TRIM 0 //(Degrees * 100) allows you to offset bad IR sensor placement
#define ROLL_TRIM 0 // (Degrees * 100) allows you to offset bad IR sensor placement
// NOTE - Airspeed is stored and used in the program as an integer pressure value
// Use the formula: pressure = 0.1254 * speed * speed
// where speed is the airspeed in meters per second.
// For example if you want cruising airspeed to be 20 meters per second use a value of 50
#define CRUISE_AIRSPEED 24 // If we have airspeed sensor pitch is used to maintain desired airspeed and throttle is used for climb/descent
#define AIRSPEED_FBW_MIN 8 //Minimum airspeed for Fly By Wire mode B, throttle stick at bottom
#define AIRSPEED_FBW_MAX 20 //Maximum airspeed for Fly By Wire mode B, throttle stick at top
// In general, you can adjust speed with 2-1 above and ignore 2-4 to 2-8, but to make that more accurate and reliable, you can adjust these as well. The higher your airspeed, the higher your throttle cruise number should be.
// NOTE - The range for throttle values is 0 to 125
#define THROTTLE_CRUISE 53 // Default throttle value - Used for central value. Failsafe value
// NOTE - For proper tuning the THROTTLE_CRUISE value should be the correct value to produce CRUISE_AIRSPEED in straight and level flight with your airframe
#define THROTTLE_MAX 74 // (0-125) 70 = 56% maximum throttle (lower if your plane is overpowered)
#define THROTTLE_MIN 0 // (0-125) (raise it if your plane falls to quickly when decending)
#define THROTTLE_IN 1 // (boolean) Disables throttle input when set to 0
#define THROTTLE_OUT 1 // 1 = throttle, 0 = no throttle output at all! (good for saving fingers on the bench.)
#define AUTO_TRIM 1 // 0 = no, 1 = set the trim of the radio when switching from Manual
#define SET_RADIO_LIMITS 0 // 0 = no, 1 = set the limits of the Channels with the radio at launch each time; see manual for more
#define RADIO_TYPE 0 // 0 = sequential PWM pulses, 1 = simultaneous PWM pulses
#define CH1_MIN 1000 // (Microseconds) Range of Ailerons/ Rudder
#define CH1_MAX 2000 // (Microseconds)
#define CH2_MIN 1000 // (Microseconds) Range of Elevator
#define CH2_MAX 2000 // (Microseconds)
// If you want to set this value at each startup use 0, otherwise set a PWM value
// Ch3 is the throttle, which rarely needs to be set more than once.
// Use the radio tester to find the PWM values that work for you.
// if your prop spins up during startup for a brief moment, you may want to set your value permanently
#define CH3_TRIM 0 // PMW value = set (Microseconds)
//Note: Some Gains are now variables
#define HEAD_MAX 5500 // The maximum commanded bank angle (left and right) degrees*100
#define PITCH_MAX 2500 // The maximum commanded pitch up angle degrees*100
#define PITCH_MIN -2500 // The maximum commanded pitch down angle degrees*100
#define XTRACK_GAIN 10 // amount to compensate for crosstrack (degrees/100 per meter)
#define XTRACK_ENTRY_ANGLE 4000 // Max angle used to correct for track following degrees*100
#define LOITER_RADIUS 40 // radius in meters of a Loiter
#define REMEMBER_LAST_WAYPOINT_MODE 0 // If set 1 = will remember the last waypoint even if you restart the autopilot.
// 0 = Will start from WP 1 (not 0) every time you switch into AUTO mode.
#define WP_ALTITUDE_RADIUS 10 // (meters) accuracy needed to find our waypoint in meters [not implemented]
#define ABSOLUTE_WAYPOINTS 1 // 0 = relative, 1 = absolute [not yet implemented in config utility; must use waypoint writer in test suite to configure]
#define AP_STICK_MIXING 1 // 0 = no mix, 1 = mix. Mixing lets you "nudge" when in auto modes
/*Advanced Stuff*/
// This section is for auto launch. This feature is not appropriate for all airframes.
// If you are using ArduIMU the minimum recommended TAKE_OFF_PITCH is 30 degrees due to linear acceleration effects on the IMU
// If your airframe cannot climb out at 30 degrees do not use this feature if using ArduIMU
#define USE_AUTO_LAUNCH 0 // If set to 1 then in AUTO mode roll will be held to zero and pitch to TAKE_OFF_PITCH until TAKE_OFF_ALT is reached
#define TAKE_OFF_ALT 50 // Meters. Altitude below which take-off controls apply
#define TAKE_OFF_PITCH 20 // Pitch value to hold during take-off in degrees
// This section is for setting up auto landings
// You must have your airframe tuned well and plan your flight carefully to successfully execute auto landing
#define SLOW_WAYPOINT 998 // When this becomes the current waypoint we will decrease cruise_airspeed to AIRSPEED_SLOW. Replace 999 with the beginning of your landing pattern
#define AIRSPEED_SLOW 10
#define THROTTLE_SLOW 30 // This should be the throttle value that produces AIRSPEED_SLOW in straight and level flight
#define THROTTLE_CUT_WAYPOINT 999 // When this becomes the current waypoint we will cut the throttle; set it so it is well beyond the touchdown zone so that it is not reached, else you will enter RTL mode or loop waypoints
// Remember that this is engaged with it becomes the next waypoint to go to, not when it is reached. If it is reached, the plane will climb again and RTL.
/*Debugging Stuff for Sim Mode*/
#define TURNRATE 90 // (degrees) how fast we turn per second in degrees at full bank
#define CLIMBRATE_UP 1000 // (meters * 100) how fast we climb in simulator at 90°
#define CLIMBRATE_DOWN 3000 // (meters * 100) how fast we climb in simulator at 90°