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Was brauche ich für Sensoren u.s.w. für Ardupilot Mega APM2.0 ?
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Was brauche ich für Sensoren u.s.w. für Ardupilot Mega APM2.0 ?
Main Features
Three processors--a triple-core autopilot!
All new state-of-the-art sensors; the first autopilot to use the Invensense 6DoF MPU-6000
Smaller, lighter, cheaper than APM 1.0--just $199 ready to fly, with GPS, magnetometer and dataflash included.
Like APM 1.0, this is the world's only Universal Autopilot. The same hardware can autonomously control planes, multicopters, regular helicopters, rovers, even boats, with just a one-click firmware change--no programming required! Best-of-breed mission planning and two-way telemetry, and soon with advanced scripting with Python for robot acrobatics and more.
Twice as much dataflash memory, with SD card slot
No soldering required
When using the internal sensor fusion processor of the MPU-6000, more than half of the Atmega2560 processing capacity is free for new advanced features.
Native USB, with all new PPM encoder software
Three processors--a triple-core autopilot!
All new state-of-the-art sensors; the first autopilot to use the Invensense 6DoF MPU-6000
Smaller, lighter, cheaper than APM 1.0--just $199 ready to fly, with GPS, magnetometer and dataflash included.
Like APM 1.0, this is the world's only Universal Autopilot. The same hardware can autonomously control planes, multicopters, regular helicopters, rovers, even boats, with just a one-click firmware change--no programming required! Best-of-breed mission planning and two-way telemetry, and soon with advanced scripting with Python for robot acrobatics and more.
Twice as much dataflash memory, with SD card slot
No soldering required
When using the internal sensor fusion processor of the MPU-6000, more than half of the Atmega2560 processing capacity is free for new advanced features.
Native USB, with all new PPM encoder software