AUAV-X2 - Ein echter, kompat. Mini PIXHAWK aus Bulgarien!


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Dem Q(uiet) fehlt der TPS63061, freilich kann man das nicht erkennen. Ausser Nick hat auf sämtliche Q einen grünen Aufkleber gemacht. (War bei meinem so) Aber, wenn er mit 4.2-4.4V noch läuft und hinten mehr es kein Q.

Hi guys,


From 7th batch and on, the AUAV-X2 will have the following modification because of the 433MHz noise issues:
1. The TPS63061 and the Inductor will not be soldered;
2. The AUAV-X2 will have a suffix q, which comes from QUIET and yes, it will be quiet;
3. The power sources allowable will be any PowrBrick - 5.3V 3DR, ACSP3 or any with 5.3-5.5VDC;
4. The backup sources allowable will be any BEC with 5-5.5VDC voltage.

Best regards
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Ok, danke. Einen grünen Punkt gibts nicht.
Das merkwürdige war eher das Verhalten des 433 Radios (arbeitet nur unter 4,5V), nicht das hier ein Missverständnis entstanden ist...


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Hi guys,
Because of the current AUAV-X2 redesign, I need your opinion and advice how to improve it.
Some redesigns we already considered:
1. New ultra quiet LDOs ( LP5907-Q1 );
2. New sensors on board - HMC5983, ICM20608, MPU9250 ( optional );
3. New board mounting holes - dia 3mm with 30.5 x 30.5 mm grid;
4. New CAN driver - TJA1051T, because the old one MAX3051 has some issues.
Waiting your proposals about connectors, add-on features, etc.
Best regards
@Gervais, @Kofferfisch, Danke!
Habe nun 3.3.2 drauf und habe meine Klimmakammer direkt vor der Tür, ich probier also mal was ihr mir geraten habt ("basteln" tue ich eigentlich nur mit meinem eigenen Projekt, bezgl. Arducopter versuche ich soweit möglich ein normaler Anwender zu sein)!
Noch INS_USE2: diese Einstellung sollte dann INS_USE2 = true (default) oder INS_USE2 = false sein? Verbessert das die Lage oder nicht?


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Well, I know the JST-GH from the PIXHACK FC and they are a great step ahead compared to Molex and Hirose solutions. But users obviously loved the Dupont Headers of your X2 . First thing someone asked @ RCGroups and here as you probably noticed.

Concerning future... most of my readers (since they are no devs) never ever needed CAN as well as Serial 5, they´d rather go for Serial 4 and an external USB connector (instead of trying to connect USB when the FC is buried within a frame).

The set of new sensors sounds like a big step ahead (In fact the LSM303 always caused troubles), but this way it looks, like you´re going to design a bigger X-Racer which will require an adapted Arducopter as well.

My main concern: Roberto N (VR Robotics) does this as well and I always got the impression, that his compiles never were the latest and it was hard to follow up new AC discussions @ diy drones (since they were PX4V2 related) or to help users with these special builds (at least I never knew, if we are dealing with a FW or HW related issue.). So its very important for your buyers, that you´re going to keep up just in time. Off standard looks like a lot of work for you.


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It will be easier for me to just apply your suggestions. It will take a huge burden of totally redesigning the X2. Thanks. I'll discuss this with Phil and maybe we'll go that way.
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In many cases (more than not) the provided cable sets will be too short (aircraft) or too long for the intend installation.
While I really like the JST-GH series because of its features, I don't own a crimping tool for them and 99.something% of possible users don't own one either. My university has a Picoblade crimping tool and being the one who bought it for them I know how expensive these tools are.
Besides the form factor and other really great features, the pin headers on the X2 were one of the main reasons, why I decided to buy it.

Honestly, I don't know much about the amount of work needed to create a custom version of each new firmware release. But as a possible customer I'm a bit afraid that support might end once the focus drifts to new projects/products. Maybe I'm wrong on that one? But I'm sure that this is the no1 questions most people interested in the new X2 (and right now the Pixracer) will ask themselves.
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EDIT: ähm, this quote has changed while I was typing

yes ... because there is always a need and desire to configure your wires to your liking ... you may even put the FC into another or a new build and need new cables again and don't want to buy and wait (and pay) for them again ... I agree with hulk here, if the AUAV X2 is just a XRacer in another format it's pointless :)

in the other thread I suggested to pay attention to make serial4 available, serial5 is of use only to a small bread of folks

getting rid of the LSM is the best move ever ... it is known since M A N Y years that these branch of sensors had been terribly bad, and I actually never ever understood why anyone sane would consider them, yet to actually use them ...

I'm not too much worried that it will be like with the VR Robotics things, iff it's only the sensors but everything else is kept compatible ... you already now have to specify px4 or px4-v2, why not px4-race, and any MP can easily offer you the option to choose, if this could not even be automated ... so, I think that is really something which needs to be worked on and worked out ... but its not too difficult ... so, at least I think that if the hardware and software devs work closely toegether this can be pretty much sorted out ... I have a feeling that this might work out here

but, sure, your point is most curcial ... it needs to fit tightly into the family and one should resist to throw out all sorts of new hardware features which never ever are going to go into the mainstream code


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getting rid of the LSM is the best move ever ... it is known since M A N Y years that these branch of sensors had been terribly bad, and I actually never ever understood why anyone sane would consider them, yet to actually use them ...
I do. EKF Parameters/development is based on the current sensor set.

I´m not sure, if this is just a driver thing.

Are you ? (This is a real question and not a cynical note)


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So, here are my thoughts:
1. New sensor set is a must. It is just a driver thing, which has been already tested;
2. Connectors remain the same as of the original X2;
3. USART4 is a must. A question concerning it - may I place the full featured USART4 instead SPI connector? Any ideas about highly appreciated.
4. X2-MOD remains "quiet" DC-DC Buck.


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I do. EKF Parameters/development is based on the current sensor set.
das ist nicht was ich sagte :) Wenn man sich mal dafür entschieden hat, dann will man natürlich möglichst lange bei bleiben, aber ich verstehe nicht wie man sich überhaupt dafür hat entscheiden können :D logik logik

Du hast vermutlich schon recht dass das nicht nur ein Treiber-Ding ist dahingehend dass der EKF evtl neue getunt werden muss ... aber das muss - und wird - er eh so oder so ... schon wegen dem XRacer :)

grundsäzlich ist es gut wenn die Jungs mal dazulernen ... beim M8 steht das noch bevor, mal sehen wie lange da die alten Gesichten noch erzählt werden LOL

So, here are my thoughts:
1. New sensor set is a must. It is just a driver thing, which has been already tested;
2. Connectors remain the same as of the original X2;
3. USART4 is a must. A question concerning it - may I place the full featured USART4 instead SPI connector? Any ideas about highly appreciated.
4. X2-MOD remains "quiet" DC-DC Buck.
as I said, of all connectors, the serial5 is - IMHO - the least useful to the majority of users (is anyone in here who ever used the nsh shell?????)(btw I never did and never will LOL)
spi might be useful for something


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