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Hooking up the BMP085 to the Arduino works just like any other I2C part: Connect VCC to VCC and GND to GND, SCL goes to analogue pin 5, SDA to analogue pin4. Adding some pull up resistors (1K to 20K, most often something like 4.7K) between SDA, SCL and VCC finishes the setup (this was included in my breakout board).
The BMP08 accepts 1.8 to 3.6 Volts – so no chance to connect it directly to 5 Volts. The BMP085 has an additional EOC (end of conversion) pin indicating the successful data capture. This was connected to analogue pin 2.
The BMP08 accepts 1.8 to 3.6 Volts – so no chance to connect it directly to 5 Volts. The BMP085 has an additional EOC (end of conversion) pin indicating the successful data capture. This was connected to analogue pin 2.