Postby Crashpilot1000 » Sun Aug 03, 2014 9:57 am
* Use mwii 2.2/2.3 gui for setup and a serial monitor like (EDIT: Other guis and stuff will most probably not work and might freeze - though naze&harakiri are working and doing fine. Note: Due to some mavlinkstuff implemented the parameterlist can be edited with missionplaner, however it will complain about missing arducopter stuff) . 3 times return or # enters cli "<RETURN><RETURN><RETURN>" or "###". "RRR" enters flashmode or type "flash" in CLI.
EDIT EDIT: Don't use some GUI besides the STM Flash loader for flashing.
Here are 2 downloadlocations: ... p&can=2&q=
Both tested and work. Make sure you tick "Global Erase" and "Jump to the user program" in the flash tab. Check if your device is recognized with correct 128K rom, otherwise change it in the drop down menue (I have one older naze3 that is detected with 64k for whatever reason).
Preset values you might want to change:
expo 80% (gui)
esc_min = 1100
esc_max = 1950
mag_dec = 113